Difficulty affecting PvP matches again?

Just logged in the game on Android to see if the weekly event is over and all. It was not, so, I was tempted to do some PvP matches. Imagine my surprise when I started a match vs a beefed up cards team. Hero with 54 attack, 105 health, Keeper of souls with 65 attack, Banshee that does over 40 damage per cast, you name it. :slight_smile: Lost, of course, a lucky 3 skull match killed my lead, and the next one my Alchemist, so yeah. :frowning:
I donโ€™t mind the loss, not really into PvP that much, or anything, but Iโ€™d like to know if difficulty now does matter in PvP, or did I just stumble on an error or what not? Thanks in advance!
Sorry for no screenshot, Iโ€™ll try to upload one later, if someone does not beat me to it. Cheers!

Was this Casual or Ranked PVP? Difficulty does still affect Casual PVP games.

Ranked, I got a gold key and some Exp and gold as a compensation for the ass whooping I got. :slight_smile:
Just tried PvP again and it works normally. Strange, but not something to lose sleep over. :slight_smile:

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