Devs Why so Lazy?

I guess, but can they do it tomorrow?

Joking aside, it could be less accusatory. Heck, a comma would at least be better in terms of grammer.

Perhaps bringing a question to recent quality of releases or major bugs that should have been caught before a weekend release.

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This is my big request. And I still blame it more on “overloaded” more than “lazy”.

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I agree, but these upload schedules are ridiculous. The speed and quantity that the new content, good or bad, shows some bad planning on the higher ups.

All things considered, a buggy event, with no time for quality assurance on this schedule, made to release before their holiday is only going to be pinned on the devs. Doesn’t help that the apology was restricted to crumbs compared to the lost rewards.

I think 505 is lazy themselves, as they just want new stuff put into place instead of playing the long term game. I still think the shop could use a redo and the path to glory saddens me. Imagine if the path to glory 2 gave out the new mythic during it’s exclusive week. I’ve said this before, but it’s not like a new mythic comes out every 30 days or something.

I don’t pre-order a grab bag, but I will for a game I know I want.


Imagine if Path to Glory 2 gave out a mythic you are missing, so you wouldn’t even possibly end up with duplicates on exclusive week due to bad timing. Different topic though, I’m sure it’s been suggested before.


I half expect them to Flash offer sell Zuul’Goth directly one day.

They should right now. $999 for ZG, $1499 for Dawnbringer. Get some whales to buy that shit. Reinvest the profits for better QA. And hire a 3rd party company that actually knows what they are doing with push alert Notifications. Because the company they have in charge of the Android alerts have no clue what they are doing. A broken clock works better than Android push alerts right now. At least a broken clock is right twice a day.

I accepted a long while ago that an internet live game will have a bunch of bugs and issues, and getting mad at it will only make me feel worse at the end of the day.
Report the bug, move on, and do something refreshing. :slight_smile:


The delve reward issue happened once and those that did the maths said the compensation was fair. I don’t expect 24/7 support for a free to play game.

I’m more concerned about the features that are implemented and the time taken to fix bugs. We still have the create gem weapon affix for some doomed weapons. Orbweaver is ridiculous. TINA targeting got fixed but Infernus targeting is functioning as TINA was pre-fix. Those are the kinds of things I’d like to see addressed in updates.

And then there’s the whole RNG rewards from orbs and adventure board, but that’s digressing…

It was only fair in the sense that the majority (average players) got about what they missed, and those on the extreme got more or less than they should have. Players that invested a significant amount of time in the delve (full level clears) were in the latter group.

In another F2P game I currently play, the devs would have dug deeper and wrote a script that better calculated how much each player was owed. However, they’re a larger developer and they self-published so it’s not really an apples-to-apples comparison.

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Actually quite the opposite, for several posters doing the math. Compensation seems to have been based on what a player would have lost when only doing the boss room on each floor, at lowest possible hoard quality level. With all bonus multipliers correctly factored in a fair compensation would have been several times higher.

The bug report pointing out the calculation mistakes of the “fair” compensation has been ignored for almost three weeks now.

Bugs happen. And no one should be required to work overtime to fix it asap, unless it’s causing damage beyond subsequent adjustment or compensation. This certainly wasn’t the case.
That said, next time (because it will happen, nothing to do with being lazy or unprofessional, it just happens) please be more fair in the compensation phase (it doesn’t need to be immediate, if you require time to develop a thorough script or, say, rerun affected reward rolls, just state so and I guess everyone in the community will be cool about it).

That’s kind of my deal vs. the idea above “…all F2P games are going to have flaws…” If you actually play a few other F2Ps GoW stands out as below-average in both quality and response. Let’s talk about the one I’m playing.

Today was a forced update. They started notifying us last week there would be an 8-hour downtime and we’d have to download the update. We got 4 warnings, each with compensation. So before I even started I had about half a day’s rewards in my pocket as an apology for missing 8 hours.

The iOS update hit the market today. 7AM, with 3 hours of downtime remaining. No “oh sorry Apple is just so random!” They called their release within an 8 hour window and nailed it. Every other major app store had the client in the same timeframe.

There were a handful of bugs. I had to download about 3 hotfixes in the first 3 hours. Each came with compensation. Now I’m up to a whole day’s currency and the bugs didn’t even really affect me. By 3PM the hotfixes were over and everyone’s enjoying the new content.

How’s that compare to GoW, in your reckoning? This isn’t a huge developer or an old one, they’re barely celebrating their 2nd anniversary in China and in the midst of the 1st anniversary celebration for the English server. To me, they sure put a shinier veneer on their offering.

I do have a follow up question @Slypenslyde!

What platforms is their title available on? Some platforms can give us a more accurate idea of when an update will release than others.

We try to avoid taking the game offline at all costs. The way this other title handled it is amazing! However, I can assure you that many other players would have been upset at this downtime regardless of compensation.

That’s a great point. Any other game with live service I’ve played always had a 4-6 hour maintenance time every week.
Would that ever be an option say for Monday’s since there’s not a 24 hour event?

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Monday would be a very bad idea on guild war week. Can’t set your Def if you can’t get on game and some of us work.

One advantage they have is they’re only on iOS/Android. Not having to support Steam, XBox, Amazon, and Nintendo probably helps a small team stay lean and agile.

Sure. I’m always a little agitated at the 8h ones. It totally throws off my daily “chores”. But I appreciate that they spend time making sure everything works and reserve the ability to roll back if it doesn’t. The part that set me back was when I told a friend they had downtime for updates, his response was, “Doesn’t every F2P?”

This is overall a conversation about feelings and perceptions. Maybe they’ve got more resources, I don’t exactly have insider info. But on my end I just see “quality releases” and as a player that matters a lot.

I don’t want to drag this point out because I’ve lingered in this thread too long. It made points I agree with but chose solutions I abhor. In the end if I had to settle on a main point it’s that I don’t want the dev team to spend more time on the game, I want them to commit less work so they can more productively use the time they have. It’s an unfair conversation because we have a lot of asymmetry: you can’t speak your mind as openly or share information that would inform me. But I think the game would do better if the team had more vacations, and much worse if the team had working weekends.

And that quote goes in the packet next time I+2 has to submit documentation to 505 about what the player base is asking for.


Too easy. No maintenance during GW week then.

Should have ended Guild Wars on a high and dropped it months ago … Now the majority of players couldn’t care less if you removed it.

It has been, by me.