DarkWarriors chat (all friends are also welcome)

Hey Rhea

Yeahh , Congratulations all. Chat still with the same problem but we can have a good conversation in time like global chat.
Of course later the most part will disappeared. Waiting the next game updated, in that this will be fixed.

More people can come here already. Now going to the 200k. More soon than we can imagine.

Major milestone today, finally got all my kingdoms to level 10. Now I need to start working on star levels for my magic kingdoms, but will be able to start putting in a real amount of cash for guild tasks! Maybe when a few more people reach this level, we could start aiming to complete some of the weekly guild tasks?

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Don’t know what to think of the new patch. I guess the goblin / Zaejin or knight / Whitehelm weeks are the ones I won’t pvp. I hope they just use those events to see more diversity.

Personally, I do not see much sense in this patch. I see that if I want to get those frag I have to create a specific team for the occasion and so every week. I do not know if those buff troops are also in PvP because then every week everyone will wear the buffed team of the week (especially if they are top troops like Bone Dragon, EK, Maab, etc …)

I´m not sure of how is this going to affect more things. I also need to test it more, I haven´t play much this week. I also see that now are 2 Mythic available in shop for real money. Here comes the P2W?. As I said I need to see if is something good. 1000 event points 5 event keys? You can get 10 maps, 500 souls, 2500 gold and 5 event keys on shop for 900 glory. More easy to get that this frags I think.

The best is of course the guild chat issues fixed, +10 to this.

ok. Now I see. I claim the first reward of 10 gems and it´s completed but I not lose the frags. That means that they are accumulative and I can get all the rewards. Now is not bad.

Is not something I ´m going to farm but is good for the lower level players. I wish some seals for doing this events, then it would be more interesting to finish it.

But this extra points of some troops also in Pvp change the rules every week. Maybe PvP could not be affected of this events, but then no frags in PvP. Difficult decision.

I see this is so quiet the last days.

We have this site also to use it . I know guild chat is ok already but this way still being the best to long explanations or discuss. So keep it alive.

So to continue with this matter I tell my new team for this last days:

I´m actually using:

  • The Great Maw
  • Giant Spider
  • Creeping Dead (always lol)
  • Death

Is not bad. Is giving me a lot of funny times with the deathmark.
Defense is a little bit different.

How are your amounts of Mythic.

Well people

This is the week we were waiting for. Maybe we can finish all tasks (dreaming). And begin with the legendary tasks. I expect a effort on people.

Is this possible in a guild with no requirements?

Well , let´s show how we do it. let´s show everything is possible.
Que empieze el Show

I have not received a single naturally mythic creature. Has anyone received a mythical creature in a non-– VIP chest? Or does the game require that you purchase VIP access to get mythic creatures?

Great timing for me to work on the guild tasks, since I just finally finished raising all of my kingdoms to 10 . I hope be able to put in somewhere around 1 million by the end of the week. Will be great to make more progress on the tasks.

I see that Maglor get Famine today.
I got 3 Mythic and no one for vip chest so it´st possible believe in me.

Hard work this week, but the rewards will be great.

Good day, Famine and Korvash out of 33 gem chests!

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You can see people? We are close to do it.
Also with 2-3 people less and also 1 more out for work.

@Rhea , soon you get the first Mythic be sure. I know people who play this for a long time with no one mythic and in the last 2 months he got at least 8, and army of Draakulis also.

So, don´t be obsessed with them, many of the best builds don´t need any of them.
I also want more, long time with 3. I see players level 52 with his first mythic. It´s just luck sometimes.

Come on people, a last effort to make something great. Thanks all your dedication.

I also got only 1 base mythic until now… mostly luck I guess. But I don’t even use it in my builds.

Lots of gold in the tasks this week which is really cool, but sadly only from half the players. I think especially this week it would be nice if everyone contributed.

For the newer players I can only recommend the following:

  1. Get the Dragon Armor from the shop for 450 gems. You get that amount of gems almost in a week from the guild tasks alone.
  2. Play PvP to rank 1 every week. It gives lots of gold, seals and glory. There always is a selection of 3 opponents with the left being the weakest which is almost always easily beatable. Losses don’t cost anything, so don’t be afraid.
  3. Use your glory in the shop for the special units instead of the glory chests. The units come with 5000 gold and some traitstones which will be needed later.
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hola ono soy pelu

Hey Pelu

Este chat es nuestro aqui en el foro sientete libre de expresar aqui tus quietudes o necesidades.
Si puedes en ingles mejor para que lo entiendan todos.

Lo deberias leer de vez en cuando si puedes, a veces hay cosas importantes que decir.
Además para algo largo, es lo mejor.


And it happens,

My 4 Mythic Abynissia. Is not the best but I don´t have it. Maybe I try some builds with it since I spend 7230 souls to level up to 20.

Perhaps is better than I think. You see Rhea? luck

Even after 300 hours of game time I’ve STILL got 3 kingdoms to level to 10. I’ve made the 1,500 seals every week. Gold is scare for me atm.
If it’s really important I’ll grind 100k.
I don’t have alot of the big cards: War, Death, Queen MaV, Keeper of Souls, Crimson bat, so I can’t steamroll in pvp. Money is coming in but not a ton.

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Oye, otra ventaja del foro sobre el chat-- Aquí puedo copiar en un traductor para ver lo que estás diciendo.
Traductor de Google habla español mucho mejor que yo :slight_smile:

I was worried that as my player level and difficulty went up, I’d have trouble keeping up in PVP. But so far rocking it pretty well, approaching level 200. When I was able to finally activate Khorvash’s 3rd trait (stun enemies on 4 or 5 matches), I doubled him up. Now with Khorvash x2, Valk & spirit fox, the combination of a true damage team + keeping the entire other team stunned is working great. Really appreciating the skill boosts from everyone completing the guild tasks this week!

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good see Rhea. lol

So nothing you missed now. Happy to see this because I also working in a big post, if you want to read it.

See you.

I’m looking to join a strong guild. I play daily will hit 1500 seals weekly, and will work to meet any requirements set for trophies and gold. Invite code NINJA 32. :dragon:

invite sent @Ninja Ninja

Happy to see you join by the chat.

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