Daily Troop Discussion!

can you teach me how to use brian against/with goblin effectively? does this option better than any of current meta?

I find 2xSkullDamage very useful, especially if the enemy has 3 or 4 troops susceptible to it. Brian+attack buffer+freezer+converter

Ex: Brian,DarkMaiden,DarkPriestess,QAurora (green team)

Brian,UrskaWanderer,ForestGuardian,StarGazer (green team)

Brian,FrostGiant,Emperina,KeeperofSouls (brown team)

Brian,GreenSeer,StarGazer,QMab (PvP team)

A slayer that buffs everyone but himself is pointless.

ah, the goblin slayer trait. clearly we are different person because i did not find that trait to be any good. definitely not on brian since brian does not have at least armored. also you need skull spawner to be effective and in order to be fast you need gem transfomer for the skull spawner. so why not just use justice league and replace top troop with brian?

Against Goblins I rather use Gob-Chompers than Brianā€¦


Never seen him in any pvp team or arena evenā€¦ that says a lot i think.

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Brian,vjm would work yes. I just tired of that team.

The 2xSkullDamage traits are very useful, Iā€™ve been dealing with Psions in GW by using Ferit and Desdamona on their colour days.

You donā€™t see Brian on defence because heā€™s not that versatile. You would see him if people were sure you were gonna invade with goblins.

Gob-Chomper is 10 times better against goblins than Brian, so why do you prefer Brian?

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I agree, not 10x better, but in most instances gob-chomper is better, but Brian can be used too. Go try a couple of the teams I mentioned and see for yourself. Especially the pure colour ones

Its the 50% devour chance and empowered that makes Gob-Chomper x 10 better yes, also has goblin slayer trait and better attack, I never exaggerate.

Then you must tell me in which instances Brian is better than Gob-Chomper, against Goblins?

  • Green day GW
  • Enemy has SilentOne and 3 goblins

Ultimately, Brian has a higher durability than Gob-chomper

That was as little instances as I expected. Gob-Chomper is not x 10 better than Brian, hes x 20 times better, against goblins.



I do say that Luther is needing a total rework. You can see it in his face that he is more like a warrior than anything else, with a scar etc. :wink:

I do say he knows how to play with a sword and where to find weak spots through armors. I do say he should deal true damage. I will think about what his spell should be like tho.

Edit: I have learned some new words, ā€œI do sayā€.

green day GW aside, gob-chomper is definitely better choice. gob is more durable with big trait, +5 hp from spell and devour chance.

i didnā€™t find brianā€™s spell to be crucial enough to have during team silence, which clear quite fast usually. however, if you are lucky, it may save lives.

Luther used to be my favourite early game in knight team. but as brian is, luther too is overshadowed by guardians, justice and courage. he could use a rework to be relevant again.

As the first free epic you get in the game, Iā€™d say Luther is fine.


I dont understand how people can say that Brian or Luther is currently fine. But I am fine with it. :stuck_out_tongue:
Humans needs a giant rework soon, they currently are among the types that is very bah to build a team around. I wouldnt mind to see both of those get a total rework.

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The are fine because they are not designed to work in the situations you are thinking of them working in, and they shouldnā€™t be. Luther could buff 100 attack and still not be relevant in most situations at endgame, while being completely broken in others. As the first epic you will usually get, his spell usually amounts to doubling the attack of your team which gives you an advantage in skull trades as your troops die or giving the hero the ability to one-shot with skulls. The issue is that this is a playstyle that drops off in effectiveness as you progress, even quicker in PvP especially with the troop options available today, and that leaves ā€œbuff and end the turnā€ troops way way in the dust, especially those that only buff a defensive or offensive stat.

If I were to give him a minor buff, Iā€™d allow him to buff armor as well as attack. This would at least put him almost where ā€œDragotaur with Dragonsā€ is, with the advantage of being able to buff everyone and stronger base value with the disadvantage of having a lower average buff and no board mod.

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Hereā€™s my suggestion for Luther.

As the first epic I got in the game, I was aghast at how useless he was. -_-
I feel that nowadays all troops that donā€™t hit hard and fast are out of the game, but it may be because Iā€™m a bad player.