Daily seals are a penalty, not reward

Previously you got x amount of gold for logging in every day. This has been replaced by seals. If you are not at your 1500 seals, they go towards your weekly cap but not over it. So essentially you are losing out on the daily reward compared to the previous reward system. Every day you are not at the cap, you are losing out on the “free” gold in the old system as there was no cap. Now you just get pushed closer to your seal cap every day but never over the cap until you hit it.

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The method that would be most generous to players is this:

  • Daily seals do count towards your lifetime total
  • Daily seals do not count toward your weekly total
  • Daily seals do count toward guild totals

Now, whether this is possible to implement is a separate issue.

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Just wanted to note that the daily gold for logging in every day was also replaced by the weekly and monthly calendar rewards, so make sure you take those into account when trying to determine equivalence of rewards.

Personally, I prefer the new login rewards. Maximising my seal income is something I can choose to do or not each week.

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