Cool screenshot topic

This was always one of my favorites.


I am now <1000 Dragonite ( = 5000 Gems) to Diamantina:

Then (ugh) I can start working on the Cosmic Dragons. Naturally, the first one is criticism free.

I’m also (somewhat) saving to 1M souls for Dawnbringer. By now, I don’t invest Souls on Troops until fully traited.

My hot take: In the 7.3 preview video the exact words were:

We have, indeed, had a lot of fun using those Gem Dragons in teams.

But it’s crafting them that’s the “not so much” part.



Screenshot 2024-02-09 073315


I think we have a pet rescue incoming.

Funnily, I earned two white pet food each plus a vault key.


Finally, I have completed the (first) set.

I saved a GAP for this weekend, got a total of 15 Vault Keys (not spending them all at once) but one Major Orb of each of green and orange later:

At any rate, 300 more Dragonite and I can start cracking at the second set.


Second try at a Cosmic Dragon Egg and I get:

One duplicate, already

But also:

My next goal is 1650 Dragonite (aka: 3 eggs) before I try again.

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Sometimes the game is extra kind to you. :dancing_women: :dancer: :man_lifting_weights: :man_cartwheeling:


Lucky day today:

I saved up 1650 Dragonite for a batch of 3 Cosmic Eggs, and got (in order):

  • Lunarreleon (new)
  • Comethalas (new)
  • Meteoridan (new)

Total 5 Cosmics from just 6 eggs, wow. Next milestone: a whopping 6500 Dragonite for a run on that last Cosmic Dragon (same as I did for Gem Dragons).

Unfortunately, these actually don’t progress any Power levels since I happen to already have acquired a base Mythic for each of their respective Kingdoms (Hatir & Skroll, Jotnar Stormshield, Consort of Darkness).


Not ingame Screenshot (sorry if is that wrong) but … 5 000 hours on Steam reached!
:smiling_imp: :skull_and_crossbones: :innocent:

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OK, devs… Let’s talk about balance… :rofl:

So sick… :crazy_face:

100 verse-3 vs 0 verse-4_

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Rare Underspire:

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Full Tribute. 38/38 kingdoms. :heart_eyes:


Yesterday, at the end of the session I spent all my Keys and got this:

TODAY, at the end of session I spend all my keys and get this:

For context, I can generally count my Gem/Event Keys on one hand daily. I don’t exactly have a limitless supply of them to spend.


Are you going to continue posting what you got by spending resources in the COOL SCREENSHOTS thread? And if so, why not just open separate thread where you will document your gains?


Second time this has ever happened for me.


Finally :gem:


I’m waiting for the day when I win a battle in 0 turns. All it takes is an “Explode a Gem at start of battle” (trait or potion) followed by a Skull cascade…

I’ve come as close as KO’ing three foes before even making my first move.

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I’ve done it with GaP PvP before - it’s def a fun goal to have!

Edit: actually it was Wand/Stella/PK/PK Archer against a Dia bonestorm with Uber Doomskull Special Gem restriction and Archer assassinated all 4 down the line. So fun.