I offer my congratulations on this update. Offering new shop items and packs could have been great. Rewarded ads could have been awesome. I am astonished how you took something that so many mobile f2p games do well and completely shit the bed.
I played another game (actual game title withheld for fear of being flagged) where over the course of 18 months I spent $26,000. Why? Because the items and packs available were worth the money and I was appropriately powerful based on the price tag. This game? Nope. Nothing worth spending any money on. I mean seriously, its laughable to see what the dev team thinks the value of resources are in this game. And to once again have it predominantly ruled by the same idiotic RNG algorithm is a complete joke.
Rewarded ads are such a simple thing to do right. At least that’s what I thought until this update. I swear I read somewhere that the 30 second ad was supposed to compensate about what a player would earn in 30 seconds of play. Turns out this is not at all the case.
First of all, one every 8 hours? Really? Is that what you are resorting to to get people to log in regularly? But nevermind that.
The rewards given are NOT worth 30 seconds of play time. I got 100 souls lol. I have millions of souls that I have absolutely no use for. But wait! I could get a good reward on the next one! Really? RNG again? You have got to be kidding me! This is the same RNG that gives orbs of growth and wisdom (both useless) 95% or higher. I have gone 6 weeks without seeing anything but orange or green. Other games allow a set amount of rewarded ads per day. If its 3, fine. But let them be all done at once. And for a fixed reward for God’s sake. Enough with this RNG for everything.
People are leaving this game in droves! I have had 6 people quit from my guild in the past 3 weeks and 2 more just since 4.9. They are leaving because it is abundantly clear the the devs have completely lost touch with their player base and what a f2p game should be.
Now that I have said what I needed to say, I will go back to lurking and I await the flags that I’m sure will soon follow this post.