Can we please rethink the treasure map rewards?

@Eika - these guys are telling the truth - it’s mostly about how many guild tasks are being completed.

Since monday morning this week (i.e. 6 days), I have gained ~900 gems…including tributes, defence gems, gold chest, glory chest & gem chest drops. Not sure of how many from the different methods…but I suspect about 2/3 from guild tasks.

Many in our guild have all kingdoms levelled so donate most, if not all, of their gold to guild tasks.

Confirming @7ekn00’s numbers here. Though I’ve only been in the guild about a week and a half, the number of tasks completed daily is quite large. We completely ignore map and soul tasks, and focus instead on gems, keys, and tokens. When 3/4 of a 30-man guild all contribute more than 100k per week and a few much more than that, a lot gets done :sunglasses: Plus, we are very vocal, supportive, and happy - a positive attitude and goes a long way!


I must admit I start to believing you now guys, but for a moment there, I was not able to. Sorry if someone felt insulted. However send me a PM if you wants me to join you. I am at the moment working with the L10 kingdoms, but will give my best.

I think the best way to track what guilds are probably getting the most number of keys/gems is to follow this Google doc.

-Gems of War Top 50 League Table History - Google Sheets

Look for guilds getting the most trophies per week. Top 10 doesn’t show you what guilds are the most active.

Edited as it pulled the doc into reply. Copy the URL.

Match masters has a 100k minimum donation per week. More than half probably donate at least 2x that with some going several times that.

Rainmaker hhad a minimum of 60k with the same sort of situation with it’s players.

Both are actively rotating members when minimum are not kept up.

You do the math.

As the OP of this thread, I’m going to say the arguments about which guilds are producing what resources are irrelevant. The point is that for any experienced player, regardless of guild size, the treasure map rewards are still an inefficient use of time when compared with straight PvP. I’ve just hit 800 treasure maps on my main hero, and I’m not touching them. My alt hero on my phone is almost at 200 maps.

Also, when the game first launched, the devs said there was going to be a “guild reset” every three months. This has never happened. If the devs are now giving away the store to the members of the top guilds, they have only themselves to blame, IMHO.

Also, they have stated that the bulk of their players are under level 100 and use maps quite often. I think the lesson is: mileage may vary.

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I hadn’t been using treasure maps for similar reasons, however, I’ve been using them to fast-track my glory accumulation (to purchase bundles with arcane traitstones).

If you play TH, so as only to get as many brown chests as possible, it is very quick to play. Each of these has a pretty good chance to produce 2 glory. Invariably, you’ll have to make some green chests (or they’ll auto-happen from other matches), but again, these have a chance to produce 5 glory each.

Don’t even worry about looking for 4 or 5 matches (except for the first few moves), then just try and make brown chests from the bottom up.

Using this method, I finish in a couple of minutes with about 12-20 brown chest & 3-8 green chests which produce ~20 glory. More efficient, in terms of glory, than PvP by a long way.

Hehe, there ya go … gem task rotation nerfed over the weekend!!

Ya got your wish :stuck_out_tongue:


In what way was it nerfed over the weekend?

What do you mean by this?

I keep a tally of our gem and key task completions. Ratio of Keys/Gems has gone from a pretty close 50/50 split to what looks like a 55/45 split.

Sample size of less than 200 means it could definitely come down to RNG with a capital R, but the devs have made it clear that they track all sorts of global stats and regularly tweak things to their taste.

I’ve actually been meaning to get ahold of some other guild leaders and see if they’ve noticed anything. Not that it would do any good anyway. Which is why I haven’t.


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Treasure Maps is one of the best way to get Glory for buying Rewards packs, correct me if there is better ways to get a nice sum of glory in this game in less time than a treasure hunt. A normal PVP gives only 3 glory.

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I’ve noticed a big increase on the Keys recieved trough guild while Gems have gone down. I would say 60-40 is the relation those are now compared the 50-50 that we had before… Well at least those are the stats on my guild that I really try to keep tabs on.

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Hey, Serale, when did you noticed this?

Three weeks ago good Sir/Lady.

I usually do some kind of “Guild news” every Saturday, this one is from January, 30. On the point 2 you can see my concern related to this topic.

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The treasure maps are really tedious to say the least. I can’t begin to keep up . I do 10 maps and get 20 lol

Thats about a weeks worth

02/28/2016 realize some statistics to see profitability.
for my part, a pvp takes me 3:30 , and a treasure map 7:00 average
I find it rather interesting treasure map for glory and gems

ups for gems the result is :~1.9, near 2 by game


What is this “Sister Guild” I keep on reading about?