"Burn! Baby Burn!" says the Queen

Think that will get changed?

No. No reason to.

But I don’t think Mab should have Arcane… it’s way over-powered on an AoE damage troop…

Every time an ally casts a spell, gain net +4 damage… that’s too much…


An ally or herself.

Indeed… too much, as I say.

Without damage indicators it would be hard to tell if this is the case though. I would have to see @Tacet’s video again to confirm if that is happening.

Assuming it’s working properly, this is exactly what it would do.

Say Mab has 13 Magic stat. The enemy team has collected the following mana:

  • GreatMaw 17
  • Mercy 6
  • InfernalKing 8
  • Sheggra 10
    …which could easily be a situation in an everyday PvP match for me.

Mab casts her spell. Arcane triggers and increases her Magic stat to 14. She then deals the following damage:

  • Great Maw 31
  • Mercy 20
  • InfernalKing 22
  • Sheggra 24

That’s a lot of damage for 15 mana, when Behemoth at the same level would be dealing say 16 to each enemy for 14 mana, and Sun&Moon would be dealing 20 to each enemy for 16 mana.

Okay so her spell is a little situational, and won’t always deal that much damage, but with a minimum of 14 to each enemy, and usually much higher, and a good chance of an extra turn - that’s feeling over-powered to me - not game-breakingly-so, but comparatively too good for the cost.

She also has great traits, and will soon be very high in popularity in our meta.

Her third trait is pretty good - it’s almost got me reconsidering my views of Frozen as an effect… but only almost.

Her second trait gives me issues though. As I think @Shimrra has made the point before - Arcane should never be put on a troop with an AoE spell.

Nerf! Baby Nerf! says the more conservative forum member… Now that’ll get the anti-nerf brigade scrambling for their t-shirts and banners :smiley:

With sun and moon as an example, does the hero have arcane as one of its possible traits?

How do you feel about Dark Channel of Sorcerer? It’s basically Arcane, and many of the hero weapons do scaling AoE damage.

Again can we hold off on the nerf hammer til the peasants get their turn to play in the playground? We’d like to have fun with the broken toys too

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Nerf bat on mab, not worth the coding. Xbox/ps4 needs it before it seems op enough. It isn’t dominating the meta but it might if given 2 more weeks. Though i could be wrong.

I think Dark Channel is up there, yes, and should be kept under review… and on AoE spells is conceptually very strong.

I suspect that Sorcerer is a very common hero class choice in the top tier - but heroes are far from ubiquitous in enemy teams and not having a great effect on the meta.

It doesn’t help, mind, that almost all the good hero AoE weapons take purple mana - which leads you typically to Sorcerer class too.

So… mixed views on that… In principle, it feels risky and too strong, but in practice I am not seeing it being a problem so far…

Eh I wouldn’t really put a 50-50 hard once per turn in the same conversation.

If anything the point you’re trying to make is if the Arcane Trait itself is the problem in general.

No, that’s not my point at all. Please don’t over-simplify what I wrote.

Arcane on some troops is cool and interesting, and as a concept works just fine.

In many cases, it’s actually a bit useless: Arcane on Abhorath? please… on Tyri? hardly

But in other cases, the scaling is too much.

Care is needed; that’s my point.

Fair enough. Easiest solution perhaps is scale it to maybe half magic so it can still be strong but not as strong on her.

And is the distinction just that it’s aoe? After all, Chimera and Watcher can get theirs up high and fast too.

Yes. Every +1 Magic is +4 net damage output.

Wow, my thread escalated AND de-escalated while I was asleep. Good thing it wasn’t locked, for we all would have missed the sensible posts at the end. :slight_smile:

I guess with every new kingdom we are going to get a deliberately overpowered troop to keep us interested, at least she isn’t another maw :smiley: They can always nerf em later.

When someone makes the intent of words worth more than they are it is possible to de-escalate if enough force is used. At least it is not locked and rightfully so as somehow it was made my fault that the conversation got derailed and escalated instead of ignoring a certain someone’s questions.

Why do people want troops nerfed that are absolutely no problem when in defense teams?
Yes Queen Mab can be really strong, but she only really shines when played in invades by a player actively gaming around her trait and Mana.
In a defense team played by the AI she is not significantly stronger than basic AoE troops like Behemoth, who by the way still is a little too weak to be taken as a real reference, and she is definitely less dangerous than true damage AoE most notably Crimson Bat.
Even in invades a Queen Mab team will not kill quicker or probably even as quick as a true damage based team, so there really is no need to nerf her already, instead lets focus on bringing troops like Behemoth up to snuff please!