"Burn! Baby Burn!" says the Queen

Ok so queen, nice troop, has nice assets. I would use her in a party of two for two good reasons, one she is ince and i might over fill her, and two her magic is high and her traits are good but she is a grower not a shower.

I have NO IDEA what you are talking about. Are you in the throws of an absinthe dream?


Is this not the thread talking about queen mab or am i in the wrong place again?

It is. But I think there’s an implied understanding that it’s coherent talking.


+10 characters


I was talking about how queen mab is better in a troop line-up or 2 with a feeder. Her traits are good and she is better if her magic grows a bit. It is better imho to have two in case you make too much blue mana from valkyrie.

What is going on here now

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Do you want the definition of assets or growing strong or puffing up like a puffer fish to show strength?

I almost replied to that one too. Hard to resist. Did you miss “I might overfill her”? Or could you just not bear to highlight it & hit the quote key?


please stop with the innuendo. Sincerely, I ask. Please.

What?! Why is your head in the gutter? Omg i had to reread my stuff to see what you meant. Omg i do not even see her like that geezus cristo man that is just wrong. She is not even human dang. She might not even be legal either. Why would i use innuendo about a troop who might be a kid and not human. Tyri i can understand as she is clearly 18 but this is a kids game for the love of snow. This is just like high school where you talk about baseball and they think you are talking about something else. Get your head out of the gutter this is a kids video game not a sex game.

@Sirrian, can we get this thread locked please?


@killerman3333 You’ve been asked nicely to stop. Now do it.

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Well what about her damage indicators or is this topic run its course because someone thinks i talk in innuendo.

No, it’s because you talk incoherently. If you have to, look it up.


Just cause you guys don’t want to talk about queen mab in a thread about queen mab does not mean i can’t. If that is incoherent then that is on those that do not understand what this topic seems to be. So either continue to derail the topic or talk about the topic the op started.

Well that went off the rails in bizarre fashion.

Let’s put it down to a misunderstanding.

Summarised version of the more game-related parts seems to be:

  • Mab’s spell text is a bit misleading
  • her spell is possibly over-powered (very high average damage output for the cost compared to most other AoE)
  • arcane trait on an AoE troop is possibly too much
  • Mab’s spell needs to show the damage numbers
  • one correspondent inexplicably thinks Mab is very alike to Tyri
  • all other correspondents think that one correspondent is mistaken
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Well said and far politer than I would have managed.

Text seems misleading and makes me think she is weak. [quote=“Jainus, post:57, topic:7851”]
her spell is possibly over-powered (very high average damage output for the cost compared to most other AoE)

Does she gain magic before or after she casts and is it factored into the damage if it happens before.[quote=“Jainus, post:57, topic:7851”]

  • arcane trait on an AoE troop is possibly too much

How much damage can she swing at max mana and max magic?

I totally agree.[quote=“Jainus, post:57, topic:7851”]

  • one correspondent inexplicably thinks Mab is very alike to Tyri- all other correspondents think that one correspondent is mistaken

I felt that hit and it was hard but has barely anything to do with the topic at hand. So Other than damage indicators does she have other bugs?

Arcane troops can gain +1 to magic by using their own ability, and it occurs before the spell goes off so they get the extra bit added in on that casting.