@gouki I am not campaigning hard for a nerf now, just suggesting it looks imbalanced and we should keep an eye on it in the meta… I think a slight nerf would do no harm, mind, as I prefer to see balance across the piece…
I hope for a lot of troops to get buffed. I expected the combat update to have more buffs to troops to bring them in line with other troops in the meta. As an example spider swarm being in line with goblin.
Balance with what though? Cause if it is balance with true damage teams the queen probably needs a buff instead of a nerf.
If it is balance with Behemoth, then the whole meta needs to be nerfed to begin with… you know or you could just buff Behemoth instead.
Behemoth was the first legendary I got so I used it a lot for a while. Admittedly, I ditched him once I got a second one & haven’t really gone back. So, yeah, I’d love to see a buff.
Behemoth’s value added is that he explodes ten gems. The damage is decent but nothing to write home about–it’s damage + a couple of your other troops getting the equivalent of a match that’s so nice. So if he were buffed I’d love to see a buff that didn’t just up his damage; would be fun to see both aspects get a boost.
While I’d like to see his spell upgraded to Explode, (it’s currently only Destroy) I think it might be too powerful, as Gorgotha’s spell is basically just the exploding, with no added damage and they’re the same rarity. Behe was my first too, I still use him though. Mostly because I don’t have any others traited up yet.
My first thought was “What if you could pick the color?”, which would make him like a Tyri that does damage, and at around twice the cost–which seems to fit.
Currently Behemoth is basically Atlanta. The stats are pretty close too. He needs even more of a buff. Maybe aside from some more damage, change the destroy to maybe explode 6 (nothing major but yet still useful) or maybe keep the immune to status and add Stoneskin. Or something that reduces all damage. Make him this massively powerful legendary. Not broken but something to stand out more.
Yeah I was thinking earlier today that he’d be really nice with Stoneskin. Maybe Keep Immense and Impervious and drop Siege for it.
As it is, it feels like Treant is a better tank than Behemoth, he’s only Big, but the stoneskin makes that essentially 2 Health vs Skull damage, AND his ability increases his Armour by a decent amount.
The inherent problem is that nothing can really tank without stoneskin, thereby making all things that SHOULD be tanky not so. I think a better fix would be to make Immense give something like 6 life or higher even.
A related point: I have a map farming team that uses both Jarl and Behemoth and as of this week, both are fully traited. I finished off the Glacial Peaks quests & noticed that by the end of the match, even though Jarl is in the 1st position and taking skull damage but Behemoth is in the last slot, Behemoth’s health won’t be all that much higher than Jarl’s.
a simple coloured buff like Water Heart or Magic Heart
possibly Water Spirit and also reduce her base magic stat for balance
Agile would fit her well
another status immunity like Alert
Stealthy could work
I note that these suggestions are quite a nerf compared to having Arcane… But her spell is strong and her third trait is good, so that feels okay to me…
I don’t know if she’s truly OP, honestly. She poses no real threat on a defense team, as far as I’ve seen. If anything she might be a bit strong on offense, but it doesn’t feel terribly out of whack, to me.
I agree that Arcane is too much on her. This is just with the few opposing Mabs I’ve let actually do anything, not counting what harm she can do in the hands of a player.
Any of the above suggestions are closer to being balanced. Her base magic stat can also stand to go down.
She could also have Fey Bond, or a Slayer trait of some kind if we wanted to be particularly mean.
Isn’t that saying that higher tier players should be stuck with whatever is broken or imbalanced for months or years until lower tier players collect them?
Sounds like nonsense. Lower tier players may not own Mab (for example) but could easily find themselves against Mab in PvP, so low tier players also benefit from balance changes.
More like let those on console play them first before begging for a nerf. The meta has barely changed and yet the moment it is threatened people come out of the woodwork begging for sirrian and crew to grab the nerf bat.