Black Magic Woman

I got djinn from a gold chest

And the OTHER way to even things out would be simply to release event troops into console Chests without going through the Shop step at all. But as I’ve mentioned, I’m having issues with getting Chests to work as reported by others, both on console AND on Mobile versions.

On console I’m lucky if I get one Legendary copy a month… I have no idea how people like Talia and Draco now have Mythic legendaries when I and evilbatwitch certainly don’t even have all of them yet. The only reason I have new legendaries at this point is from spending $80 a pop on them so I’m a little upset here when I have so much trouble getting simple Rares to show up on console. Instead I get WAY TOO MANY of certain Ultra Rares, to the point I’m getting spammed with them. Both console and Mobile are showing the same spam behaviour and in general the same UR cards keep spamming on both platforms.


Ok so “not linear” apparently means that the 11th troop only gives you +10 points instead of +50… that’s a huge difference… not


  1. Thank you for providing so many responses and references to “The Plan” without giving away the plan. PS: If “The Plan” was Fight Club you’d be out :wink:
  2. It should be obvious that players just care about the game and want the latest troops and features, a compliment to the Developers.
  3. Even a very high level overview without specifics would do wonders for the console community, look at the length of some replies to you (that’s some serious typing)

Purple again? I’ve been itching to spend some glory AND actual money but it looks like we’re getting mostly purple again…

The downside with that is people do count on those event troops for their color to get the traitstones. I think It was @Robert for example who is saving Glory for the Nobend Brothers so he can get the red brown stones. There isn’t any other troop with those colors so if it were released just in chests, quite a bit will be missed out on for players.

As for your chest luck, I’m not sure what to say. Personally I get many rares from both gold and glory chests. As for ascending legendary troops to mythic, I have 5. Sheggra, Venoxia, The Silent One, Jarl Firemantle, and Gorgotha. Oh and I guess Celestasia and Bone Dragon too but those were bought with Glory. But the rest just came from Iron and Magic keys of old and then Glory and Gem chests. Nothing fancy. Just playing much and opening many thousands of chests. I get many ultra rares too but that’s also because I open mostly event troops these days. They don’t have anything lower. Just keep at it.

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People, can we please move the never-ending console development debate out of the weekly PC/mobile event thread(s)?


It also applies to levels, I think in the same way - ie. levels above 200 (for the whole kingdom) gives 5* less points, only 2 instead of 10 each. No idea about traits, not that it matters much :slight_smile:

10 troops at level 20 is 1050 + 10200 = 500 + 2000 = 2500
11th troop at 20 is 10 (for having) + 20*2 (2/lvl) = 10 + 40 = 50

Combined is 2550, so you still need 2 traits to hit 2600 for 5*

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They could have just left it the way it was then. If you cant afford traits to 5-star the kingdom, you most likely dont have the epics and legendaries up to mythic to level them to 20 either.

Personally i would find it much easier to upgrade kingdoms without traits. I havent even traited the troops on my two main teams yet; and cant trait any of the new characters i want to either.

Whats wrong with more characters in a kingdom? Gives more people a chance to get somewhere with the game

You’re right for most of the players, that otherwise wouldnt get it to 5 stars. For me personally, I lost most of my motivation. Getting a kingdom to 5 stars was the hardest part in my view, the endgame goal… but now, why would I get myself into the trouble of farming specific traitstones to get the last needed points in a kingdom…I’ll just wait for it to have 11 troops, unlock the first trait of the commons and thats it.

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Absolutely, why would you want to farm stones to trait characters you don’t plan on using? Other than for completeness of course

From what I’ve read in this Thread… No one has discussed possible good team comps.

I would really like to use a web based team with this new epic elf but I am really struggling with finding the right pieces.

Does anyone know of any good comps?

I do not have the knight yet or i would get you a team comp that might work.
Edit: female lineup,6013,6208,6084
Male line-up,6012,6110,6122
Spider rider team,6110,6013,6122
Team dumb do not play me what ever you do!,6208,6216,6208

Oh my god i just realized the flavour text of dokkalfar was alluding to a mostly female society.

I have attempted the following, with modest success:
Dark Maiden***

Dark Maiden and Tal’Rae make a brutal one-two punch. That said, Dark Maiden’s spell is antithetical to Alchemist’s, so I think the last slot needs refinement.

How about Dokkalfar. It’s brown, so it catches the last color. It gives your team +2 magic from “duke of spiders” and “elf captain” bonuses. And if Dark Maiden dies it lets you replace with Giant Spider, making purple to feed Hellcat


Ooh, gonna give that a try.

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