Beaverknights Guild

your heart break so hard that I kicked you last month for saying stupid things to a member who just joined the guild? :slight_smile:

pretty much any other :slight_smile:
no no. LITERALLY any other :wink:

Only reason i joined in the first place is cause you asked me to help newer players…
The fact that you cant speak and understand basic english is not my problem.
Gl in your life, you’ll need it.

At first, this Monthal guy was in my 2nd guild. And I noticed that he wanted to be in the 1st guild despite his low level at that moment. I gave him a chance.
He did great at first week, 1500 seals and some trophies.
Then he only just did barely our reqs at that moment 100T and 1500S for the following weeks, and while the others did a lot more than that.
Comes a day where I have a friend who wants to joined in, and actually can do a lot of trophies per week. For that, I booted this guy.

And then he sent me PMs:

  1. “I really enjoyed this guild. Did I do something wrong to get kicked out?”
  2. “Hope you guys will invite me back. If I wasn’t doing something right I will make sure I change. Or could you please just let me know why you let me go and I will leave you alone.”

I replied:
“You did nothing wrong. Had to make space to my friend who could donate 500k per week. Sorry, you weren’t online when I tried to reach you.”

He replied:
“Ok thanks for letting me know. It’s very sad to me but I understand. Please think of me if space opens up. I will donate more gold. 200k per week.”

That I think he really wants to play with me, I wrote this to him:
“You can chill a bit while upgrading kingdoms at the 2nd guild.
It’s at 30k seals and did tasks to 7 on average…
I only can just offer that for now.”

And that I did not promise him that I WILL take him to my main guild even if he has finished all the kingdoms. I believe he is a human being and know that he can make his own choice, like maybe trying to find another guild that’s better than us, here, and actually fits his play style.

There come a day that he finished his kingdom, I believe it was 1 month a go.
He told me he finished the kingdoms and asked me to join the main guild.
I refuse. As I have strong members that could do 24K trophies in a week. And no one was slacking. I saw his stats too at 2nd guild, he made around 100T still. I don’t think that’s good enough to replace and make someone in my main guild booted? :wink:
I booted him also because he wrote “… this is BS” and something else to channel his wrongly mistaken anger.
I booted him 1 month a go and had joined Light Army. And now (1 month later) he wrote this?

Barisan sakit hati bro?

What do you call when someone is insulted for being called Serbian when he is actually Croatian?

If you are not familiar with local political situation, then you shouldn’t make comments. It makes you sound dumb and retarded. Nice insult btw, lets see what mods have to say about it.

I would also suggest not joining this guild. Not a good one!

Please keep the hate/negativity out of guild recruitment thread. It’s on our guidelines. Read here:

I was sharing my opinion. I don’t believe there was hate or negativity. Just some honest advice.

But I will not do it again in the future