Armours with 100% in one of the gold/soul/exp

Just a though about a new set of armours…

Golden armour - 100% gold, 0% souls, 0% exp - cost 200-300 gems
Spirit armour - 100% souls, 0% gold, 0% exp - cost 200-300 gems
Undergo armour - 100% exp, 0% gold, 0% souls - cost 200-300 gems

What do you think?

I doubt they would make singled out 100% armor, but they would probably be 300 gems each.

Thanks for reply. Why do you doubt that? Yeah, prices might be more. Added 200-300 gems for each now. Lets see what other thinks of it.

More $$$$$ :stuck_out_tongue:. They can put them in more expensive packs or charge more gems to make more money.

Two armors I think they may viably add eventually are:

Traitstone Armor - 50% gold, 50% souls, 50% exp, increases the chance of getting ultra-rare, epic, and legendary traitstoens by 2x from battles - 500 gems

Training Armor - 25% gold , 50% souls, 125% exp - 500 gems