Adjust "Last Seen" info

When maintaining a guid it can be misleading to click on a player and be told they were “Last Seen 50 Days Ago…” when they could have been online that day.

The Last Seen seems to only apply to when a player battles in a kingdom. So could make him appear less active than he is.

I almost kicked a player for not being active in over 50 days…but they just played PvP, GW, etc. and were actually very active.

For accuracy in knowing when the last time a player has actually played the game, they should adjust “Last Seen” to reflect the last time they have logged in to the game for any reason. This will make it easier to track active players.

*A bonus feature would be adding an option to see when guild members are online/in-game. For privacy, people can toggle this on and off if they want. But otherwise could prove handy if you want to know who is around for a chat, or just in general so you know who is regularly around when you are.