A New Mythic Approaches - Mistralus

I agree it was frustrating. But stopping wouldn’t of changed the RNG at all. I’m helping out our most casual active guild this week. They just hit 40k seals today. 5k seals later I got it on my alt.

Plays right into my theory.

Really easy for some to get the new mythic.
Really hard for others to get it.
I’m not witnessing a lot of reports of experiences matching up with the drop rates.

But I bet you if 2 extreme cases were combined. Between the two I bet the median would be at the expected drop rate. Therefore everything appears to be working as intended.


And after.

So it was 21k keys and not 25k keys.
I also spent 11k guild seals prior to trying with glory keys.


I, too, have found the mythics becoming extremely expensive in terms of resources. I have spent 10k guild seals, 1100 gem keys, 40k glory keys, and never received the mythic. I feel there is some sort of way the game is cheating so many from getting it. Of course, none of that can be proven. But when you have been part of the game for so long, and you can tell that rng sucks for that day, you decide not to play for the rest of the day because it’s not worth the frustration. The next day, rng was just fine. Say what you want devs, but the odds are stacked against the players. Thanks so much. I guess I’m tired of always being unlucky.


Ok so I’m one of those who got something close to the advertised drop rate. Spent around 5k glory keys, 400 gem keys and 400 guild keys. So about 135% of the average drop rate. Not great but I’ve had a lot worse. A lot.

But the odds ARE supposed to be stacked against us. They admitted it by showing us what the chances are.

Trust me, I went through the same thing you did on many pull sessions and there were plenty of pull sessions where I didn’t even get any mythic.

I spent a crapload of resources for the one two months ago- Mother of Darkness (I think) and I didn’t even get her. It sucked but rng is a mother and I knew that going into the game. Lucky for me I was able to get the last two without much trouble. I look at it as luck giving me a break but I could have just as easily not pull the last two Mythics, too.

Rng is always gonna suck but we all know this going in. You never know, I might have a bad streak in the next few months (has happened before) and you might hit the Mythic every month for the rest of the year but it’s up to us as players to decide if we want to go up against the rng or not.

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The damage is OK but too random to rely on. A jumble is hard to evaluate, but a jumble plus free turn is usually very good. IF the board sorts into something good, you get first dibs. This is probably OK for someone’s first Mythic, but the output is so random I can’t see it becoming a headliner for a real team.

As is usually the case, the most interesting thing the community finds about the new Mythic is that, on average, it takes more than a month of resources to obtain it, just as it has for 5 years.

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That is all true. There have been times when I have pulled the mythics with ease. I guess it is an ebb and flow thing. Thanks for that reminder.

Eh I realize my post is info people already know. I think (subconsciously? unconsciously? I always get the two terms confused) I made my post to remind myself to not rage if I get on a streak of bad luck over the next few months.

Re: Obsidius, stuns do slow the team down. But as long as no freeze, Beetrix can still hit loops and free turns, and the board jumble does help with that. Plus reflection of good is still a targeted source of cleanse and enchant on one troop at a time, cast it on beetrix and she’ll often cleanse the team via a skydrop in the explosion

Beatrix is gonna make things nasty for sure. Already got that def built and I expect results.

How many keys did it take for you to get it?

2 billion and 3 :joy:

That might be true for players in low-mid lv guilds.


hes in a low-mid guild I do believe.

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Yeah, a sufficiently active player in a sufficiently active guild earns enough resources to average more than one mythic a month. (This means maybe a 75% chance of getting the mythic with keys/glory/seals, and another 40% of a mythic in diamonds. So not a guaranteed troop by any means, but with enough diamonds to make up the slack when RNG fails.) Up until Council of Chiefs, even F2P players in almost entirely F2P guilds could do this. But your guild really needs to be active; the most helpful rewards for hunting Mythics come from the final two tiers of each basic guild task, so if you’re not completing those you’re missing out on a lot of “Mythic purchasing power”.


To piggyback on Grundulum’s answer:

An “active” guild is not “average”. The kind of grinder who posts a lot on these forums is not the average player. I was also excluding the Soulforge, which tips the scale towards more than one per month on average.

I think it’s also telling he snuck in, “even F2P players in almost entirely F2P guilds”. I only count F2P rewards when telling people what can be obtained because I only understand F2P rewards. If we include what you can get if you pay then “a month of resources” has to include the player’s line of credit and the math gets complex.

As evidence: every now and then we see a person burn their first post or one of the “This person hasn’t posted in 2 years…” show up to ask how on Earth they didn’t 100% get a mythic after spending a LOT of keys . One just showed up on Reddit. Someone did the math and figured out their “a LOT of keys” (which included 75 VIP keys) only gave them about a 20% chance of obtaining the mythic. That’s how this post always ends: revealing that unless you’re spending money, the monthly mythic’s always been at best a 75% chance.

Again, I rest on “the average player doesn’t get the monthly mythic”.


I’ve been using it in my explore/pvp/leveling team of Glaycion, Zuul’Goth, Hope’s Crescent, and now Mistralus. It’s definitely an outlier as I have now four sources of damage:

  • Doomskull damage from Glaycion
  • Lethal damage from Zuul’Goth
  • “True” Damage (up to 171 health) with Hope’s Crescent
  • Raw damage from Mistralus

Mistralus I use for the enchant and board jumble/extra turn.

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The key to that team IMO is monk class. It’s incredibly powerful to be able to fill Reflection of Good without a purple mana generator on the team.

That class is a major game changer for all the slow mono-color hero weapons (EoE, RoG, and the good Doomed weapons in particular). It’s also stun and freeze immune itself, making it extremely difficult to stop from filling.

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Well, I unexpectedly got my first mythic. Took a grand total of 7 gem keys.

I’m not even far enough along to properly support it.

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I wouldn’t say it’s the best first Mythic for any player, but among all Mythics we have in the game you got a decent one. She is not dependent or favors specific troop types, like Will of Nysha does, or colors like Scorpius, Champion of Anu and such.

You could probably test it along many troops and find a few good teams to use her, with Orbs or Wisdom you can easily unlock her traits, then it’s all about assembling some teams like:

  • Tanker.
  • Generator.
  • Support (heal/cleansing/buffs).
  • Mistralus.
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Thanks for the thoughts and advice.