I enjoy GoW like most of you do, and all the players have a big role in making the game entertaining and fun.
I like to do PvP and I want to say a special thank you to all the players that with their fantasy, strategy and invention offer matches that are always enjoyable, now more then ever, also thanks to the variety and skills of the new troops.
Most of you guys are able to line up effective and original teams, making each match different and unique.
On the other side we have the meta teams in defense. I prefer not saying that it looks a little lame to me and I’ll go on mentioning that I met Nyx more than 200 times and lost only 5. A meta is good to tickle our brains, but it gets old quickly.
i prefer give people a good challenge, but i never use meta team, and when i see too many people copy my team i find another original team, but it’s only me
I met your teams in Pvp @Rickygervais
Right, it’s the funniest thing, to think in terms of challenge rather than scrapping a few golds with a meta, IMHO