8.0 Sneak Peek Video

Looks like the video didn’t get posted in the forums.

Here’s the link for anyone who hasn’t seen the preview video yet. :slight_smile:


Yeah, they edited the post to add it in I think. But can’t hurt to have it linked again for those who didn’t see it in the news post.

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Thank you, I never thought to scroll back up through all those posts! :rofl: :rofl:


Who would? :rofl:

I only started reading today or I wouldn’t have seen it either.


Thank you for properly uploading the video.

If the devs cared about us even half as much as this, we wouldn’t be in such a mess…


Anyone got the plugin thing so you can see dislikes? I’d love to know how many likes and dislikes this video gets.

At least one from me :grin:

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Currently sitting at over 500 views and only 25 likes. I believe that’s called being Ratioed, but I’d love to know what the ratio of likes to dislikes is. Lol.


So, now we know why this never got an answer from the Customer Experience Team:

It’s the worst case scenario, everybody drops back to lowest Alliance rank every 11 weeks. That’s 80k VP each week to climb back up, more if you also want to receive some daily rewards before they get taken away again. On the bright side, that’s quite a few hours each week no longer worth spending in PvP.


Unless this plays out different than we think from the video, I hope that the devs no longer entertain any nerfing requests as I expect many will simply avoid PVP now.

This looks even worse than I expected.


At the moment …


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so not enough people to even view or care


gold icon is 5k vp i think, so people will just buy their way up

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I wonder how many of those thumbs up are from dev team accounts? :thinking: :rofl:


Oh this is perfect lol.


Please give us:

Another way to earn burning marks
Another way to earn burning chests
An easier way to level immortal troops
Fewer immortal troops, weapons, and pets
Nerfed immortal troops, weapons and pets

Just predicting future posts regarding the upgrade.

For me, it will be simple. If this becomes a significant Pay-to -Complete exercise my enjoyment for the game will end, and I’ll move on elsewhere.

including freelancers ofc

bon le jeu est mort ce sera aussi inutile que le reste , désolé mais je n’adhère pas du tout a votre ensemble de nouveau PVP
je vais tester mais déjà les immortels de votre vidéo c’est a 80% des mythiques que l’on a déjà en thermes de design ça me donne surtout l’impression d’essayer de faire du neuf avec du vieux , bref on va quand même tester mais bon vous avez cramé le jeu depuis trop longtemps déjà

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