4.9 Update

They can read though, so expect a fast nerf here.

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I love the gold portion. How about include the actual cost to do the level 14 upgrade.
(Which is 140k gold)


I could probably say the same about Medals. What am I going to do with 1,000 souls? An upgrade is 10,000/20,000/30,000 souls, whether successful or not.

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I don’t see it as bad math. It’s better than paying gems to open those chests directly but otherwise it wouldn’t be a deal. Roughly 450? gems worth for 300 sounds about right to me for a “deal”.

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Start saving medals in hopes of avoiding crap offers. :grinning:

To answer your actual question.
It takes the souls, medals and your enjoyment of the game away. That’s just normal gambling son. :wink:

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I’ll end up getting more Crafting Riches xD

I’m pretty sure at this point that the 3rd offer has nothing to do with individual accounts. Goes solely off level.

It says 400 Gem Value instead of 450, not counting worthless glory keys :face_with_monocle:

Shahbanu Vespera’s spell still has the wrong artwork (same as Mistralus) for me on iOS.

if there are imperial deeds in the random offers then things change. thats letting RNG dictate the maximum stat point player in game, completely unacceptable! otherwise all other stat points are random as you level(getting mythics mostly) but we all hit the same stat cap as GoW releases content(troops/deeds/Renown) at the dev’s desired pace.

Imperial deeds have been in flash offers before right? And a player can craft them out of writs.

dont we all get the same flash offers when they aren’t the random weapon you are missing?(im honestly not sure, let me know) if so, the same desired pace the dev’s are releasing power creep still applies.

Mythics and Pets are also hard RNG walls. We’re getting KP 19 kingdoms really soon. KP 20 gets us another stat point. Hope you get your pets.

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Strange how imperial deeds are worth 4.5x the gems that regular deeds are worth but when it comes to writs they are worth 10x. :man_shrugging:


This happens every new achievement… it will unlock when you unlock the new emoji thingy, which probably wont be until new week.

Figuring out how to unlock an achievement that should be unlocked already is an achievement onto it’s self.

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For me…

Not so much…

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I opened the game after update and got


Meanwhile Xbox One Achievements are late. Again.

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I bought the growth pack 2 and got no rewards but i did get vip xp…something buggy here?