4.9 Update

That jewel pack is 200 for me on xbox.

Edit: Oh but it’s less jewels and no diamonds… :rofl:

So some people are lucky enough to buy imperial deeds today for gems, I assume everyone is fine with this?

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Common medals (just used them all so that makes sense.)
Troop isn’t required for max star currently. (Makes sense as well.)
@Kafka I have 70k chaos shards, 130 genie lamps and 6 million gold.
I think this offer was meant for someone else.

I never understood @HugeOgre thought process about deeds. He said basically we all get them evenly. But that hasn’t been true since the first flash offer came out.

Gems of War is ruled by the RNG Gods. It’s hard to care about being competitive because of it. And for some, if you take out the competition factor. Then a lot of the enjoyment goes away as well.

For those who say they don’t like competition. You do realize Gems of War is a game right? Lol

I got an offer of 2 deeds and 60k gold for 225 gems. So that’s 3375 gems for 30 deeds (1 kingdom). Anyone think that’s worth it?

This a half update if there ever was one. Why they went with 4.9 instead of 4.8.5 is beyond me.
@Saltypatra made it sound like there was going to be more from the update than just what she streamed. I’m guessing they decided to hold off the actual new game content until 5.0 :man_shrugging:

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Purple, yes, green maybe, any other colors no.

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Curious why green maybe? Because they actually are lol.

Green deeds for the one magic kingdom that’s green based. If you already have it at 15, then hard no.
I also assume that you don’t have all the other magic ones to level 15 yet.

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I get excited for patches but ultimately I’ve realized that what I really enjoy are balance changes. :confused:


Yeah, the 200 Gem (without discount) Crafting Riches offer just doesn’t make sense in light of the daily Dungeon Gem Bounty offers.

So for 500 gems we should see 10 times that daily dungeon amount.

So basically each number is missing a zero at the end @Kafka otherwise it’s completely unbalanced.
And thus the product of not having a player beta if it is.


“We are aware of pure faction tuesday unhealty setup shit” and yet this is the 2nd Update since made statement and shit happens. Nothing at all. Not even to speak about broken PvP.

I can still just invite everybody to state their disapproval in the App Store, because this is where your voice will be heard eventually.


My offer gives 6 pets (not 12) and 6 deeds instead of writs. Also, 20 legendary ingots.

Gotta crowd fund from 4.9 to get what we want in 5.0 :grinning:

Anyone get offered an imperial deed? If so, how many gems are they worth?

Legion Booster
20 event, glory, and gem keys for 300 gems is actually a good deal. Better than intended thanks to bad dev math.


Make me scroll through this crap 1k times.
The deals here will never be worth it.
Please move it back to the way left of the screen.

Otherwise it looks just sad on the design end.


On Xbox One, Solari is on the far left, first option.