Obligatory “give me subscription service that gives a multiplier for all gems/glory earned” comment.
With that out of the way, I’m not sure how much I’d personally use a microtransaction system since I’d rather grind the stuff out myself instead of being given it. Even insanely cheap, I feel like I’m taking something away from myself by paying to play less. But they already have similar type things in the stone packs that they rotate out every week, and a big issue for those among the people that would actually purchase them is you end up putting a lot of your “value” toward stuff you don’t want at the time.
If this went forward, the numbers I’d recommend are 2 bucks for one of the following, at the color of your choice:
10 minor
4 runic
2 arcane
1 celestial
All of these are “worse deals” than pack that rotates through the shop, but still far favorable to a lot of people who would just want to avoid or lessen some of the grind without getting a bunch of stuff they dont want. For example, you’d need $16.00 to get the minors to trait a single legendary, $12 worth of runics, and $16 worth of arcanes, and $4 worth of celestials. You’d need more than this to focus trait a single legendary now, along with waiting for the correct packs, but you’d also end up with a bunch of other stuff you dont care about at the time (possibly ever). Most likely it would be a few bucks here and there to avoid the tail end of a grind.
Normally I’d be against something like this put in a free to play game because it is usually done so because drop rates are purposely made abysmally broken - to the point where only the most severe masochists would be able to get said items through normal play and grinding combined in any reasonable amount of time - but with two weekly troop packs and explore, it would call everything in the realm of “fair” already, especially since its possible to gather enough stuff to fully trait a mythic inside a week with a few hours of play a day - far less than the “max” speed possible. Other people’s perception on this matter might differ, though, and anyone stumbling on the game after this became how they did their transactions could easily make this assumption.
The other thing I see against this is that it would make any arcane buyable at any time, allowing you to buy your way into a specific feature without any gameplay relatively easily. I mean, you can already through gems which can cycle into everything in the game, but the costs/exchange rates and randomness makes it prohibitive (not like, willing to spend on a game prohibitive, but like, it would put anyone trying into poverty to do so). If targeting stuff like this would be too convenient, though, you could always put a limit on how many are buyable weekly, similar to how seals are done now.