2.0.1 Strongest builds

I’ve come to pretty much the same conclusion, except add in Rowanne for once targets start dying to finish even faster.


Mab still gets strong, but Rowanne is stronger if they are both mythic with all armor kingdoms +2. It still kills in 2/3 casts of Rowanne+mab combo, so long as you cast golem once.

Golem can get mana for Valk, has stoneskin, and charges in 2 gatherings of brown. Valk speaks for herself (and keeps up your soul gains you may need).

Not a good defense team, but good offense, unless you’re facing a quick aoe spell team (that would weaken rowanne’s armor).

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i also play sooth/bat/valk/bat

Ok, so I also decided to try out tacet’s team with a mix of my own. Webspinner/Behemoth/B.Dragon/Terraxis (you can swap B.Dragon for hero with black manacles, for quick charging) is pretty fast at clearing out teams, along with Webspinner/Behemoth/Valkyrie/Queen Mab is also suprisingly fast. That’s without 3rd trait for Webspinner or Behemoth.

Good team.


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I play Soothsayer/Valk/Bat/Psion

I imagine it is just as effective as Sooth/Bat/Valk/Bat though I prefer the damage dealers behind valk.

other than new deathmark teams, did the new troop modifications give us any new good teams?