1 mimic chance out of 70 boss rooms?

It’s okay. I have been in this game for 7 years. I know when something does feel very off. Random is not a new thing for me. Lets rather continue the conversation of how the devs adjusts drop rates/chances all the goddamn time, instead of being ignorants. Also RNG in GoW is not like the RNG that is out there, that we are used to. I am sure there is plenty of you that will understand the last sentence.

In my ass that the CPU 20 % dodge skulls is not broken as hell, to take a single example.

I used to get about 17 VK and around 5 EK, now I get maybe 10 and 1 if I’m lucky.

I don’t doubt people have different experiences.

GoW RNG is notoriously bad, plus the new update made my game load very slowly. But even before that I got fewer keys, now it’s just even fewer.

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Okay, if you insist. The devs usually don’t adjust drop rates/chances, they’ve got enough other things on their hands, it’s just some ignorants that believe in it.

This may require a bit more explanation. I know for sure my brain is a damn good liar. I’ve caught it in the act a few times, once challenged it always readily admitted to intentionally having tried to mislead me. I’ve learned to recognize some of the signs by now (it’s usually whispering something like “this feels very off”). But still, it’s a sneaky little bugger that just doesn’t want to change habits, it’s always coming up with something new. Keeping evidence around helps.

Sounds familiar, I think I know who’s talking there. :joy:

Really though, give the pen and paper thing a try, it’s quite enlightening. Bonus likes for doing a daily report on the forum.

Above the gray are chests from few days after the patch until May 29; below the gray are chests from May 30 until now (basically - June); when I get to 1000 chests I’ll add them to those above and start a new batch of a thousand.
For sure, doesn’t seem like a nerf, as far as my account is concerned; although, I expect current percentage to drop lower as time passes.

I’ll side with @Fourdottwoone on “something feels very off”. I’ve hard time recalling when my feeling of something being off was actually supported by numbers I started to write down (at least for things that I personally felt strange about).