Who is the forum manager?

Oh, I found it. It’s in the FAQ. Would it be possible to make it a little easier access? Thanks!

it’s here, the support option should be available from anywhere on the website including at the top of the forums here :slight_smile: it’s also available in the game settings as well


That’s what my screen looks like. :frowning:

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:sob: Adding this to my list of things… Seems all the header links for the website are missing from the minimalist forum theme. :sob:


Well, I just changed my settings, so that helps! Thanks! Sorry to give you more work, but now I feel less crazy.


Not your fault! I was super confused why the support link was hard to find so you solved the mystery haha

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Been there. Done that. Separate instances but both equally ignored.

So there’s basically no way to appeal a ban. :man_shrugging:


Anything new here?

Looking forward to your test ban on Bramble account :heart_eyes: (for more infos)

Some exciting “proof” shared in comment above by awryan. I wonder how that is explained. (but obviously we don’t know the content inside the open support tickets shown in pic.) Judging from my own experiences I have some aligning opinion with the posting above. (but could be “individual cases”.)
Despite all that, with every fiber I fail to be convinced that any appeal support ticket is worked on in a quick and fair amount of time and thoroughness. Because to be honest, every second of an possibly “wrongful/unfair” ban is too much.


They were both appeal a ban tickets that I submitted within minutes of being banned from the forums. But flabbergasted and not knowing why I was banned.

I’m still waiting on that explainatory “DM” (or eMail). My understanding of “today” is a different one, hence my impatience here because what you wrote sounded more like some kind of a promise.
I’m also wondering if the “tests” on Monday or Tuesday, when you and “the other Account” (no callout!) both worked went well?