Question about forum suspensions

To the Devs. May I enquire as to the procedures and expected time frame that you take to address forum suspensions? If one is suspended from the forum one cannot obviously post here, so I would expect a ticket or an email would be the way to go. However I am aware of a case where a person has been awaiting even so much as a reply on their ticket since January, despite several emails afterwards. Is that the normal occurrence where there is not ever any further communication from the devs and the person is just out of luck with no way to plead their case?

Ever since Salty left the team there has been no way to appeal a forums ban. I’ve tried in vain in the past.

My only advice to avoid bans is not post in anyway that can any sort of reason for a moderater to ban you.


That’s interesting. Seems like something that should be posted someplace I’d imagine? Especially if bans can happen on something disputable for example. I’d be interested in hearing a devs direct reply to this as well


If you are suspended from the Forum, please contact us via Ticket.

Please note that for security/privacy reasons, the Support team cannot look into cases that are not personally and directly requested by the suspended user themselves.

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Bramble, As stated above, the person in question has sent in multiple tickets, dating back to January, with zero reply. I can advise them to send another but wondering why it takes someone posting in the forums to help someone have their ticket read who is unable to post on the forums? That seems wrong to me.

Without commenting on specific cases would it be within normal time frames for a ticket from January to be ignored as unworthy of a reply let alone a resolution for this long? Let alone several? Or are ban appeal tickets systematically ignored since the person In question can’t complain?

I’m really just after some explanation of policy and not advice on any particular ticket so you should be able to comment freely unless that’s information you don’t feel needs to be shared.

Await your reply. Thanks


Bramble. Person in question has Emailed again. No reply. Person in question can’t post here as you suggest as they’re banned from here. Are we dealing with the catch 22 situation where you will not address a person who doesn’t post on the forum you’ve banned them from?

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It’s now the end of week. No reply in this thread to my enquires. No reply to the person who can’t post here to their email you specifically requested they send. So my conclusions are, if you manage to get your account suspended, you have ZERO recourse to even appeal or discuss it. Now that’s of course your right to do, it’s your game. But i’m just advising the player base that’s how it is. If that’s wrong please enlighten me.

One can also only assume that anyone who perhaps gets their game account suspended or banned for no legitimate reason (and we all know from previous events that this CAN and HAS happened in the past) that you will also have ZERO recourse to address it. You could in theory be banned by a whim or a misunderstanding. Keep this in mind when making purchases perhaps, I know I am.

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Bramble, giving you a chance to reply or rethink your reply above. The person in question has submitted (multiple) ticket, all ignored with zero reply, dating back to January. The person in question is unable to do as you say and request in person that you look at it here, due to their suspension for the forums. Please state clearly what their recourse is?

Curiously, I observed that @kafka was writing a reply to this thread only 15 minutes after your message above…

It’s now the end of week.

Seeing as it was never published here I was hoping you had been replied to directly. I don’t suppose you have any unread direct messages?

I do not nope. Quite frustrating to say the least.

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