What do you put on your hotdog?

Chill, the hotdog wont runaway! :grin:

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I would have been sick for days if I did that.

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You cant know before you have tried :stuck_out_tongue:

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btw, he looks like a ladiesman x 1000, and this is what he does for a living :smiley:

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Maybe. I’d be afraid to cook for a man that ate like that. :rofl:


He has body like a sylvestre stalone 1978. Surely need a lot of cooking to make him not lose any muscles…

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Damn I must go watch Rocky now… strange day…


Lol thats how i always eat them! 23 seconds? Thats easy… Hes a rookie

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why dont u go for world record brudda? and yes, I believe u would have easily beaten him.

Maybe i should… I would certainly never thought to try this particular record but i bet i could do it! I shall experiment lol


Its about having a big mouth which is genetics as one need a big head, big jaws, big everything to have a greatly advantage.




I think i have this in the bag! Lol


Go for it then, possibly a lot of training ahead vangor brudda goodwill. But all of us here on these boards believe in you! :smiley:

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But even worse is the sick, vile, disgusting yellowish stuff Australians call mustard.

Fun fact: Canada produces almost all of the world’s mustard, generally accepted to be somewhere between 80-90% of the world supply. Then we export it, some company grinds it up and exports it back to us and charges us for gourmet imported mustard.

Also I call the other stuff you’re talking about “fake mustard”. I also love fake mustard. I feel it would be more broadly accepted as a condiment if it was called what it really is, which is tangy turmeric juice with a hint of mustard.

here is my fav mustard! Be gentle with it or you gonna go crazy! :stuck_out_tongue:
@KrudlerTheHorse as you say, 80% of mustard seeds used in the manufacture of contemporary Dijon mustard come from Canada.

Just for clarity, THIS is the FAKE Mustard of which you speak:



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Yes. I call that “fake mustard” mostly jokingly but I also love it. I call it “fake” because proportionally it contains almost no mustard. I love “real mustard” and “fake mustard”. Sometimes I will put both on the same sandwich, sometimes 3 different kinds of mustard.

So fake mustard has no mustard seeds in it, am I correct?