What are the GoW plans after the PS5 comes out?

We want to support Gems of War on PS5, and we also want PS4 Gems of War accounts to be transferable to PS5, so there’s no reason to start quitting the game in panic. We have said this for the past 2 years (when questions about next gen started appearing already).

I simply have no DETAILS about it yet. I don’t want to make guesses and assumptions about how to link your accounts or when Gems of War will be released on next gen as I don’t have specifics yet.

Currently your save data on console is attached to your PSN and Xbox Live accounts, not to the console you play on.

Covid is complicating things.

As soon as we have solid information we will pass it on, but there’s no reason to panic about your Gems of War account progress on PS4 or Xbox One.