With two new troops each week I find my kingdoms more rapidly joining the elusive five star club than expected. Which is kind of worrying, those rewards were a pretty big carrot to aim for, now the hunt is almost over. I’d like to see some new carrots on the radar, possibly cultivated in such a way that additional ones could easily be planted to accommodate for a growing world. My proposal would be to add a global power rating, as the sum of all kingdom power ratings.
So, what’s the carrot part about that global power rating? There should be rewards attached on reaching certain break points. Those rewards could either boost the daily bonus by granting additional resources (e.g. maps, glory keys, gems) or they could trigger one-time unlocks (e.g. a soul boost at early break points, event weapons, extra portraits and special “easter egg” troops not obtainable otherwise at later break points). I’m hesistant to propose any numbers here, this would obviously have to be balanced carefully as not to break the economy.
Just as the maximum possible global power rating keeps growing as the game grows, the reward bar could keep growing too. It’s always possible to add another carrot to the end, e.g. for reaching another 250 global power rating points. The interesting part about hunting those rewards is that they are tied to your total progression, meaning there’s an incentive to trait/level troops of a kingdom even if that doesn’t increase your star rating.
For the curious ones among us, I’d like to see that global power rating added to the character screen, similar to the total number of troops. Bonus hugs for also making it part of the progress tab when viewing the list of guild members.