Vault Weekend data collection

Broke 150 gnomes this weekend, zero EVK. Kill me.

As usual, no tracker keys included.

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880 battles. 52 gnomes. 2 stinking keys. 0 epic keys.
You will NEVER convince me battlecrashers don’t decrease gnome rates.


162 Gnomes.

14 VKs 1 EVK dropped from them. Tracker keys not included,

It’s all RNG.

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373 Gnomes

6 pity, 7 Vault Keys Day 1
4 pity, 12 Vault Keys, 2 Epic Vault Keys Day 2
1 pity, 3 Vault Keys Day 3

Day 1 was terrible
Day 2 was normal
Day 3, I’ve been slacking

Put me in the I’m happier when there’s no Battlecrasher camp, despite the official stance. Would only really change my mind if Battlecrashers and Gnomes (non-player owned) could both show up in the same battle.


857 Total Gnomes

18 Pity VK
11 EVK


Here I was proud of my 2 pity keys :joy:These numbers boggle my mind

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32 Found Vault Key’s.
12 Pitty Key’s.
8 Epic Vault Key’s.

Great Vault Event This Weekend For Me…


At the end of festivities, I earned five vault keys from 62 gnomes (tracker shows 12/25, so I also got four vault keys there), and no epic keys. Maybe next time…

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That is definitely does not lie in 1/10 as our “prescious” devz told. 30 keys found 5 pity keys NONE EVK.

Screw you, 505 games

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I find these numbers hard to believe. You found 30 VK’s from only 75 gnomes?


As many as 104 gnomes, which would still be a phenomenal rate of key drops.

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370 gnomes
36 keys total

22 found VK
3 found EVK
11 pity VK

A very poor gnome/vk ratio after you take out pity keys. :frowning_face:

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120 gnomes
6 vault keys (+6 pitty keys)
1 epic vault key

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245 gnomes, 0 EVK

Who told you it was 75 gnomes?

You did with 5 pity keys.


Aand? Next Vault pity key goes to 50 or something, but before that the sum increases each stem as you know. Do the math.

If your next vault key was at 50 gnomes, you got 9 pity keys, not 5. That’s a big difference! (225-274 gnomes vs 75-104 gnomes. If you fought 250ish gnomes, your 30 Vault Keys are much closer to the expected number of key drops. 0 Epic Keys against 30 regular Vault Keys is still terrible luck, though.)

There. Math done. :microphone::arrow_down:




Fyi, on average players need to kill 10-15 gnomes for each key they find.