Unlimited looking for you! XBOX

Up with the search :slight_smile:

Catching up to me fast lol

Of course ;DWe play a lot

Looks like I have to get home and start grinding

Still looking :slight_smile:


started to play GoW on Xbox after some parts of Konso’s german YT-Lets Plays. (I’m german too)

After two dead Guilds i looking forward to find some kind of active guild.

so long:yum:

Still looking :slight_smile:

Guild doesnt exist anymore. Sad but true…
Very nice gamers and i had much fun with them…
Thx and good luck!

i was thinking id been kicked this morning , its a shame somebody else didnt take it over, they was plenty of donating etc for all members to benefit from. i was only in a few days but it helped me a lot.

Yes youre right. I thought the Same things and find IT really Sad that no one Had take the lead… I was wondering too.

really??? it is sad that Birch Team Bis lost such worthy opponent… Thanks to You we have climbed so fast in the ranks

If anyone from the guild still hasn’t found another active guild message me. GT: ImFlabalicious

Restart of the guild!

Hello! Looking to join a better guild. Daily player, level 242 and bringing over 1,900 trophies :heart_eyes:

whats your gt?

Matt0525 is the gamertag