Tracking number of fights per battlecrasher

Fight King H.
PvP 1 1
PvP 1 1
PvP 5 1
Exp 1 2 1
Exp 1 1 1
Exp 1 2 1
Exp 1 5 1
Exp 1 + 6 8 1
Exp 6 1 1
Exp 6 2 1
TOTAL 28 10


I will point out that this has been my fastest day by literally hours. My RNG this event has been utterly trash. Getting the tenth crasher has taken me well into the triple figures multiple times.


I can feel the frustration out of your post.

Fight King H.
cPvP+PvP 1 1
5 1
5 1
4 1
8 1
5 1
17 1
2 1
2 1
52 1
TOTAL 101 10
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Ah, this is more like it. I found the first 5 crashers within 19 fights, I’m now going to bed having lost count of how many fights I’ve had since then without a single extra crasher. It was somewhere around 50 that I lost count… A while ago.

Fight King H.
Exp 1 2 1
2 1
1 1
2 1
3 1
1 1
2 1
1 1
7 1
30 1
TOTAL 51 10

Today December 1st I hit a new high… I’m currently on battle 180 and have only found 9 battlecrashers! STAT THAT!

EDIT: Found the 10th at 208th battle. Yes, that right… TWO HUNDRED AND FRIGGIN EIGHT battles to get 10 kingdom pass battle crashers!! I swear I’ve found more gnome battle crashers than king eliodores! My game ID is ILKAR_DMEM so if you keep any logs you can check for yourself!! This is PHU$%/$ RIDICULOUS!!!

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Are people seeing well above the expected rate of ~50-100 battles max doing anything abnormal, like quitting out of fights? Or counting fights that don’t qualify (ANY non-explore and/or non-PVP battle)?

A quit (or lost?) fight doesn’t reset the counter, pretty sure, so of course that would extend the amount of time required (despite the fact the person is, presumably, forfeiting in order to speed up battle rate. The effort is simply thwarted because the game disagrees that is a legitimate means to do so).

And if one is counting all one’s dailies — Adventure Board, Arena offers, delve sigils, etc… — one is simply mistaken to do so :man_shrugging:

I’m alternating between pvp, explore 2 and explore 12. I’m not counting lost fights and I never retreat from a fight. Consistently getting 100+ fights for the 9th or 10yh crashers.

How close to reset do you typically play? Are you on PC/Mobile?

If close and yes, I wonder if this might have something to do with your timegate not opening correctly — which seems to be causing Guild Wars issues for similar reset-isn’t-working-right reasons :thinking:

I play from around reset up until around 11pm GMT

I can confirm this.

I lost a Level 12 Explore where a Battlecrasher appeared (had the totally wrong team set by mistake), but I still ended up with 10 at the end of the day.

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Oh, I know that counter doesn’t reset — one can’t (as far as has been reported thus far!) be cheated out of crowns for a mischance, thankfully :slightly_smiling_face:

The counter I meant was a hidden one nobody can access (but that presumably exists) : the “encounter chance” counter.

It’s not a pity counter per se because there’s never a guarantee that the next battle will definitely have a crasher. But it works something like this:

Check 1: Valid Battle? If not, “regular” battle engages. But if so…

Check 2: Gnome? If so, gnome. But if not…

Check 3: Battlecrasher?

To determine this: Roll by current % chance (so something like 95, 90, 85, 75, 65, 55, 40, 25, 10, 5, based on progressions. The dropoffs are probably not so harsh as I’ve modeled, or regular in the same way, because I don’t know what the governing equation/pattern is). If it rolls a hit, one sees Heliodor. If it doesn’t, a “regular” battle kicks out.

All of this is to say — it’s the counter of the first check to which I was referring. A valid battle can only be:

  1. PVP or Explore


  1. a battle which does NOT follow a loss or a forfeit.

(So really check 1 is two conjoined checks, if I’m right :wink:)

If one constantly resets Check 1 and spits out regular battle after regular battle, it seems like the Heliodor counter is off. But it isn’t — in these specific cases, it’s just never initialized :man_shrugging:

Fight King H.
cPvP 3 1
cPvP 3 1
cPvP 6 1
PvP 1 1
cPvP 3 1
PvP 2 1
cPvP 3 1
PvP 1 1
cPvP 1 1
cPvP 5 1
TOTAL 28 10
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Not the case with me Magnusimus. All 208 battles were E2 explore victories half way through the day on PC.

Ah, ok, I misunderstood what you were referring to.

If I were programing it, I’d just have a table like you describe with the change of a battle crasher appearing and pick the percentage based on the number collected.

That would be the simplest way of implementing it and changing chances if (when!) needed…

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And today, to make it up for the abnormality of yesterday, I completed the chore of collecting 10 battlecrashers in just 36 E2 battles.

Fight King H.
cPvP 2 1
cPvP 1 1
cPvP 2 1
cPvP 2 1
cPvP 2 1
cPvP 10 1
PvP 2 1
cPvP 6 1
PvP 4 1
cPvP 19 1
TOTAL 50 10
1 Like
Fight King H.
cPvP 3 1
PvP 8 1
cPvP 2 1
1 1
3 1
3 1
6 1
2 1
2 1
6 1
TOTAL 36 10
Fight King H.
PvP 1 1
cPvP 3 1
1 1
2 1
1 1
2 1
3 1
6 1
8 1
4 1
TOTAL 31 10