Tower of Doom rollback on PlayStation and Xbox


Due to an issue that has occurred to the Tower of Doom Event on PlayStation and Xbox consoles we are rolling the event back to ~7pm GMT on Thursday on those platforms, this process will take a while and the event will not be available till it’s complete.

Tower of Doom will end at 7am GMT on Monday as it normally would and compensation will be sent out once the event is up and running again.

Thank you for your patience on this.

OminousGMan - Support Human :male_detective:

I hope that gems people spent in that window of time will be refunded.


I hope the refund will contain forge scrolls.


I hope in addition to fair compensation, people end up with the right store tier and sigil count. I have members that spent gems yesterday.

Erasing a whole day of work is not cool. Especially since we are 5+ hours into Friday and the event isn’t here. How many Tower days are we losing?

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Nada funciona direito no jogo… Joguei vários sigils depois desse horário, aparentemente, sem problema
nenhum. Para que? Perdi meu tempo atoa. Agora vou ter gastar mais horas para fazer o mesmo que já havia feito… Ou optar por não jogar.
Comprem servidores decentes para o jogo.

50 gemas como recompensa não vai pagar as horas gastas no jogo.

So rollback happened and our scouting after 7pm GMT is invalid.
How do you think to compensate the players who spent gems and sigils who scouted floors in between 7pm GMT and the alleged time of the incident.
The first report was from 14h hours ago, or close to 2am GMT. That’s 7 hours of your players paying gems and money to reveal doom floors for their friends.
Keep in mind a single Tier 7 costs 500 gems for 20 sigils and you can easily burn through 100 sigils in 7 hours.

Edit/ I know we got the sigils back, but who’s paying us for time spent twice, to edit existing posts, figuring out the floors scouted and not valid anymore, reassuring the guilds to re-scout the floors.


O evento voltou, mas a localização dos pergaminhos não é mais a mesma.

Hey everyone,

Compensation has been sent out via the in game mail:

  • Everyone on Playstation and Xbox received 200 Gems
  • Anyone who spent Gems in the Tower of Doom Shop between the rollback time and the time the event was paused was compensated the Gems they spent during that time