Tower of Doom all games made but no unlocking scroll comes

all games made but no unlocking scroll comes

What does the boss battle say?

he can not do anything no fight

The player is always able to click on the boss room. I’m interested to see if it says it’s locked or not.

I’d be interested as well, but also from memory, it shows up as blue on the map once it’s unlocked, as opposed to the clear/yellow-white colour it is now (when locked) (I think). @Cyrup @Kafka

Hey @Ndhcity1 I just took a look at your account and it looks like this solved itself, did you exit and re-open the game to fix it or did it get fixed at daily reset?

Hey Kafka the problem not with me but with one of my guildmate who is not regestired here in the forum is therefore posted for him ask him if it is good^^

He says is still not.Can you even look at him.
Level 1241
Guild Burning Legends

Can you please ask Andy to write a support ticket so I can help him?
Please ask him to select Technical Support as the request type.

I wrote it to him that he should write a ticket

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