Tomorrow's patch brings shorter loading times, fewer crashes

Sorry for the delay Xbox One players, but your version of the patch will officially launch tomorrow morning. It will be identical to the PlayStation 4 patch, and should fix any crash issues you’ve been having with the status effects listed above.


Great patch, loading times are much shorter now. Good work @devs :slight_smile:

Load times are much shorter now, so YAY! here’s the “however” since that patch:
I was in my Troops section, listed alpha A-Z. I added extra troops to themselves, (most not actually ascending.) and, when I backed out of the card, my cursor went to my list of Teams. As I got further down my alpha list of Troops, it became increasingly frustrating to have to start over. If I only opened the troop, saw it couldn’t be changed in any form, then backed out, I was left at where i was in my list of troops. If I changed it, eg added troops for future ascension, or added a trait, then backed out to my main list, my “cursor” ended up at “Team 1”. By the time I got to “Skeleton” again, I was just a little twitchy.
So, is this patch related, or (because i don’t recall this happening pre-yesterday) is there something else that needs attention?


Pretty sure this is what they implemented to fix the missing cursor bug from the previous patch where the cursor would jump to the top of the list, but not your “view”. Seems like it also fixes the issues of where you could select the wrong combination of filters which would result in no troops being shown and the cursor is lost.

But I agree with you - if I’m scrolling down a list and performing a function (e.g., ascension, leveling, traiting, etc…) I don’t want my position in the list modified. Its like when you’re on a webpage reading and a new ad loads at the top of the page and it moves you back up. Frustrating.


That was there to fix some broken cases where you disenchanted a troop, and was then left with no selection.
I’ll put it on the list to try to improve a bit in the next patch.


Thank you:) and now, for a bit of coding humor:


I’ll keep this brief:

  1. Is it normal for the music to chime in after the Progression Bar is completed and takes player to main menu?
  2. Regarding the bug fixes for the troop menu, none of those three listed are working as intended.
  3. Why 2GBs [on XB1 only, I guess] for such a patch?

I’ll also be brief:

  1. Yes
  2. Oh? How so? Can you be more specific?
  3. Because “We have removed the compressed bundles to improve the initial load time. This makes the package size much bigger than previously but the initial load is significantly shortened.”
  1. Cool. Its actually better that way imho. Just switched profiles though, and music does not play at all. Must Quit and Relaunch game for music to play normally.
  2. Ascended troops cards revert to their base color/ rarity after playing PvP or Arena. Can’t tell if length of time playing GoW with Maps, Quests, and Challenges affects it as well.
  3. Troop ascension icons are slightly inaccurate. Lights up when on the money but short by one more copy to Ascend troops. Not a game breaker of course.
  4. The new Levels filter still places all ascended troops at top from high to low.
  5. The Upgradable filter reorders troops alphabetically and not numerically.
  6. That explains it. Load times have greatly improved. Thank you.

With regard to the Troops Menu, perhaps they need to renamed Levels to Ascend for troops over the 15 cap. Would be nice just to see a list of those troops only.

Same with Upgradable, keep the name and show only troops from 14 to 1 instead… No need to display the Ascended 15+ troops.


Good catch on #3! Have flagged it to be fixed. Will look into #2 as well.
The #4 and #5 match the way the PC/mobile version works.

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I don’t see what @Smuggler007 is referring to.

However I may have found out why because I did it before. IF @Smuggler007 has a Team open in the Troop list, whatever Troops in that Team will display one less in total. I tripped out once when I thought I was missing a Sheggra.


:slight_smile: Sounds like this: Off-by-one error - Wikipedia

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Aye, that sounds about right.

@TaliaParks The blue indicator lights up when you reach that threshold to ascend the troop, but you can’t use it as you need one more to complete the sacrifice which you only find out after you click the Craft button. Once they correct it, then that blue indicator will be accurate and thus saving time for those of us who have a lot of troops to still ascend to the top.

LOL I’d have a heart attack too if I lost an extra Sheggra or two. I finally got that one two weeks ago.

Right at this moment I have 3 or 4 Troops that are one copy away from Ascension but they do not have a blue arrow.

Are you Xbox or PS?

I’m on XB1.

That might be the difference.

@Mr.Strange, take note please :slight_smile:

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Oh dear, I just saw my own ally catch fire from my Spark Rocket. I know Jarl likes to see the world burn and all, but not on himself! lol

It was the last finishing move in a Challenge match. I hit Ragnagord who was already burning. Game ends and Jarl is burning. No crash. Thank goodness.

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No enemy to Burn so it targets your own Troops instead?

SOMEONE in the development team is a secret arsonist…

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I’m on XB1 and I’m not seeing a blue arrow on seven troops I have that are 1 copy away from ascending.

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Eternal flame crash made me stop playing this game. I see and noticed it is fixed on my XB-1. That’s nice. i’ve played some hours last night and no more crashes. thanks.

However some othere issues caught my attention last night too. I also have major issues with the menu’s. The list always goes back to top after doing anything with my cards. Also, switching between teams brings major pause times still.

Also, when playing treasure chests, when you get multiple extra turns in 1 turn, it only counts 1. I can remember that this wasn’t before or am i mistaken.

I don’t have the pretty cool music when i start the game. I never get that music anymore after the patch. no gamechanger but i liked it a lot.

maybe oftopic here, but do you have any advise how to get cards you still don’t own, if you already played all quests and challenges. ?

thanks guys, still love the game a lot but also anticipating for another patch,