The only Troop Type Teams I see are:
- Dragons
- Goblins
- Dwarves
- Centaurs
This stands out also because a lot of the troops even have secondary types, which should make it easier to build troop type teams, but we still barely see that.
It is even worse if we consider that we could also have Teams designed around Kingdoms, but that doesn’t happen either.
I don’t see any Teams build around Blighted Lands Kingdoms. Or Drifting Sand, or Mist of Scales, etc.
I get excited if I run into a Naga Team (which I’ve seen two times at all).
Why is that?
I feel like there is a HUGE missed opportunity. I’d love to rock a Daemon Team for once. Or a Pridelands one. (Or Merlandis! I want that one so badly!)
But when I meet them in pvp, they are super weak compared to the meta teams right now.
Am I the only one who thinks the Gem of War team should consider to go through the current set of cards and try to bring them up to standard, so we can have a more diverse meta?
Right now it seems like we have a certain set of cards that are oppressive to the max, making it impossible to build teams that do not have their immense damage, or board clearing abilities. Dragons are certainly guilty of it. There is just too much AOE/Clearing going on. Devour troops are the other thing that really gets in the way of diverse deck building. Why use cards that do 15 single target damage, if you can use a troop that does 20+ to every enemy?
It really stifles creativity, I feel.