The Silvermaiden - Team Build

Oh, I didn’t really plan to need to eat Krystenax’s summons. By the time Black Beast eats Silvermaiden and Valkyie, the match should be decided. If not, I’ll use the Krystenax summon to soak up a bone dragon spam before BB devours Krystenax.

She’s a solid frontline MT! Fully traited and barriered, she even has a good chance of surviving against Bone Dragon!

Yep, I’m using her with Justice. She usually has enough Life to survive a Bone Dragon full hit. FINALLY.

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I’m actually not a huge fan of her. She tanks, self-cleanses, and generates 8 mana. There’s no damage and little support for the rest of the team. I don’t want my mana going to a sedentary lump of a troop when it could be used to kill the enemy team or keep a useful troop alive.

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I don’t bother using her in PvP since I don’t need to double yellow stones I’m overwhelmed with already, lol. But if I have to play with her, I’ll just slip her in one of my regular deck like BD-Courage deck, Justice deck, Dragon deck, Mercy-IK deck, etc.

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I use her with my Weekly Interchangable Event Troop deck.

Weekly Event Troop / Valkyrie / Justice / Sylvanimora.

Her self-cleanse especially is valuable because it helps keep her alive while Justice is boosting her attack.