The Holy Trinity

Grrrrrr, I over sleep and I miss the weekly forge fun.

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they can keep them?

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Where are you getting that from?

Only till someone with a diamond next to their user name notices.

Yes, please, add Valraven to Soulforge


I second that. Please put the gnomes back in the forge.

If IP2 cannot update and remove the bugged Daily Task “Win 5 battles using 3 unique Gnomes” from console Task rotation right now, then please consider putting all the Gnomes into the Soulforge.

Since the Task cannot be completed in its current state, some of my XB guild members have had to stare at this gnomish Task for 6 days now. :frowning:


Do you mean that Sister Superior’s troop art is a more fitting representation of Jeanne d’Arc?

Though I may be blind in the legal sense, even I can see that War Cleric’s troop art is the more romanticized representation of the Maid of Orleans.

Or, perhaps, I just can’t see it. :upside_down_face:

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3am reset time really suck im missing all the good bugs :slight_smile:


Someone had told me about the 35. So i tested it out and i used her for a few battles and she steals 39 hp from 2 enemies. She has a 10% bonus this week cause she’s a Divine. Using her also helped me see her faerie fire someone. I had to slow the speed down to see it all though. She gains 16 magic after her 1st cast as well

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She steals 21 life from the 2 weakest enemies boosted by her current life at a 4/1 ratio

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How the heck do you still have her lmao. This is quite funny

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Nvm, not boosted by her life. Still trying to figure it out

Wizardy :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m dumb lol. She’s stealing magic as well as their health

Hmmm interesting

My team this week :heart_eyes:


I’m only impressed if you have the right pet equipped.

Penlong is the best. Penglong knows whats up.