Stone blocks storm, is this a thing?

Minecraft Storm.
We need a Mythic Diamond Pickaxe weapon from Khaziel now!

(And of course it’ll cost Diamonds to buy/craft.)

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Dear devs,

We apologize that crazy people are trying to convince you this should be a thing. Please remove it.


Non-crazy people


Well, I guess I’m aboard the crazy train then, as I’d want to see a variation of this in the game. They are no functionally different than Jammer orbs in PAD, which is a tried and true defensive anti-player mechanic in the game.

I think it would be a great future Legendary or Mythic spell or Zuul (or similar boss variant) defensive ability.

Player variant: Create X random stone blocks on board.

Alternatively, Target a specific color. Convert X mana of that color into stone blocks.

Boss variant: Convert all blocks of the the mana color most represented on the player team into stone blocks.

You can move and match Jammers in PAD, which makes them completely different.

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I face palmed. This is embarrassing.

One more reason to believe that blockchain is risky business.

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Can we get it replaced with Fire Bomb storm? It converts the enemy team to Fire Bombs and your next 5 PvP matches will be 3T Fire Bombs. This will actually decrease the rate of Fire Bombs I encounter.

Hahaha. I wonder if using one of the original Guild Guardian troops (Humility, Justice, etc) you could spawn a bunch of blocks as well. Not going to waste a Delve to find out though.

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