SPOILERS: New troop art?

Shouldn’t these be hidden by spoiler blurs? I know it’s in the title, but, I don’t know. I thought in the past they were still masked, even with the forewarning in the title. Side note: art work looks pretty good.

Spoilers have been blurred

Please don’t blur images, it make the thread painful to watch. If you don’t want them seen, just include them as links or something.

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Read literally two replies up where I was asked to.

And I uploaded them directly from the GoW folder on my computer, there aren’t links for them. They weren’t hidden, then I was asked to. Frankly, I’m too lazy to remove the spoiler tags after putting in all that effort to spoil them in the first place.

Sorry ^^;

Too bad you did it then.

Whoever asked you to didn’t seem to really need it blurred, they just thought maybe you should hide them because some other people did in other threads (honestly I’m not sure why).

as for not having links, you actually have them. all you have to do is change the code a bit. After uploading you get something like this:

<img src="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/business5/uploads/gemsofwar/original/2X/e/e18fb6a135b93da2cd81b14b60a5affdfeecbe2a.jpg" width="690" height="386">

you can change the img tag to a link so it looks like that:

[Khaziel Event](upload://wbpkNdBjDZIsOhg2qzxXOsRlJ9w.jpg)

The end result should look like that:

Khaziel Event

I know it’s a bit of work, but not much worse than adding spoiler tags, and looks much better. I don’t expect you to go back and edit all your posts again, but for future knowledge…

Thanks. That’s useful info. But being asked to do something then immediately told I shouldn’t have inside the span of two comments has kind of turned me off the idea of doing this again. I’ll probably let someone else handle it next time

Welcome to the internet, dear friend…

…alternatively, try being married…


Love all the new troop art. I see they are crossing the line into some steampunkish style which I am a huge fan of.

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I love the artwork.
Deamon from Blighted Lands looks like Castanic female from MMO Tera.
Tacet might lose his mind because if the dragon from Adana but many others will love it. I hope his traits and spell will be worth it.

blah, blah, blah, Tacet, blah.

Amazingly, other people play the game and like dragons.

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Well, Tacet does like Dragons a lot, and Mechs if i’m not mistaken, and has some identity on our game that is very easy to relate (in the sense that we will remember of him) when new dragons shows up, even in spoilers.


I don’t remember Tacet ever mentioning that he particularly liked Mechs (or Constructs, when that was their name). I also searched the forum for such claims, but it did not bring any results.

However, he did suggest the idea of Mech Dragon in the Design-A-Troop thread, and that might be what you remember.

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Hmmmm… you are probably right.

I think all this new art is rather fine, yet I wouldn’t mind some characters like this :

or that :

My point has already been mentionned by others somewhere : Dokkalfar needs new friends and he is still waiting there…
Maybe we will be lucky and a next kingdom could be full of handsome pirates or something…


I’m the one who loves Mechs, I’m gonna go mope in the corner cause y’all don’t remember me… :sob: :sweat_smile:

In all seriousness, I think that mech dragon looks sweet. I can’t wait to give my Mech defense team a much-needed facelift.


:sweat_smile: Sorry, don’t grind your gears for so little. I’ll try my best to remember who likes what next time…
But seriously, new shiny/ “ticking” things to play around is really exciting. Let’s hope it doesn’t takes long for Adana’s event. I’m really curious about the “Cage Bomb thingy”

[spoiler]What it does?

  • Does it explodes dealing damage to everyone?
  • Does it explodes and generates mana for your or all Mechs? The glowing core seems like some sort of battery.[/spoiler]

LIt’s okay, as I am actually a robot, I can feel no jealousy. All is well!

Personally, I suspect it’s a one-time-use weapon. It blows up, does a bunch of damage and/or burns, perhaps some other effect, and is then spent. But who knows!

It’s this one:

Common Adana Mech
Kaboom! (10 Brown)
Explode 2 random Gems. Deal [Magic + 2] damage to all enemies, boosted by my Armor and destroy myself. [2:1]
(Mech Bond, Sturdy, Aflame)
MAX Attack:14 Life:14 Armor:24 Magic:4
Tick, tick, tick…


This looks niche but interesting.

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Blighted Lands?! Perhaps another shot at pulling IK from event keys? Oo and a year earlier than I was thinking!