(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

The commentary is mine, and the source is the game’s servers that I pulled this data from. Same method Taran uses.

This list should be complete by the way; I did a diff of the language files, any changes to the game that I don’t explicitly mention don’t modify any language strings, meaning they’re likely not too big. Bug fixes, and what not.

That explanation does make sense though.

I wonder if we will actually see the troop in question with that change.

Does that also mean there’s hope at some future point for Alderfather not being almost a carbon copy of Nimue?


Good question. I doubt it but we’ll never know.

If it took this long to rectify the first pair, we’ve got almost a year to go for this one or something …

I assume it will be the vinal pair that they fix.

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I just figured I’d plant the idea, so that they can get to the root of the issue instead of branching out all over the place.


Sounds like the garden variety for the devs. We gotta admit though, it’s a dirty job and lesser developers would soil themselves.

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Thanks for the info. Weekly Green-stone Event rework is interesting. Not sure about Stonesong Eyrie rebalance, as easy insta-kill could either help you win quickly or losing your key troops too fast. Seriously though, you really couldn’t make your text harder for mobile users to read…

Just a suggestion, would you please summerize them a bit more, only present actual change, and clearly separating raw data and commentaries. Thanks.

Any Eta on the patch?

Well, that’s a unique way to have skull reduction… easy resummons.

What troop does this?

Deal {1} splash damage to an Enemy. If there is a Storm, deal double damage and remove the Storm. → Deal {1} splash damage to an Enemy. If there is a Storm, deal double damage.

Because currently, none of the original 4 faction troops does this splash. If that’s replacing the exploder troop (Harpy Mage), then who’s creating the storm to actually do any of this stuff?

In the name of this faction, I like the changes, but I do hope they revisit the storm clear idea in the future, preferably having it come with a stun and a curse… (anti-Umberwolf/Sunspear Hero class/Skadi). All this assuming Harpy Mage wasn’t purely deleted.

Should be today* (*the Australian day is just starting, it’s ~8 am where the Devs are) according to yesterday’s stream.

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Tankbot-2000 is a respectable troop now. Big damage potential for 11 mana. I don’t think anyone will use it still, but if you had a way to buff its magic, watch out.

Cthyryzyx is a troop I like and never use. Could do with a better 1st trait, the stat increase number should be random, and could really use an explode random amount of gems (before the random board shuffle). Would make it more fun.

Naga Queen change is respectable (and becomes one less threat in delves for most people).

Royal Engineer is a good change

Wulfgarok is a great change

Still not a fan of Ice Troll… I guess if you can cast it twice or more, it starts to do work… but, its not a great play style. What’s the point of making the mix of color if your next few turns involves trying recast to Ice Troll again to have the consistency that the original Trolls had in one cast.

Stormeyrie commentary, see above.

Vash’Dagon needs a buff to its Boost Ratio. Don’t let it be as useless as Death and its Boost Ratio. Please. 3:1 boost ratio is a death sentence to any troop with scatter damage.

Really sorry about the readability on that post, I was trying to get it out quickly to get a jump on the patch notes. My commentary is in parenthesis though, that that was clear.

That’s the Stoneflight faction weapon.

If there are 11 each of Blue and Brown, you’re creating as many Gems as The Wild Queen or Stonehammer, which is pretty respectable.


Hmmm :thinking:
June’s Mythic has changed on Taransworld

Lol, Vash is coming out in 2022 at this rate


Art for the next 2 Faction is here! Woohoo! :partying_face:


On Stonesong Eyrie: looks like some Sky Elves from Shentang migrated to Suncrest and married Stryxes.

Some of those troops are going to be really annoying to fight against.

25% chance to summon a replacement troop on a match-4 or better?

/envisions nightmares combined with bandit summoning spam

Wait a minute… on the new status screen, the death counter keeps track up to 60 deaths per side. Are the devs actually serious about this? Because, that’s looking like a potentially very real outcome at this point…

Also, I wonder how much longer until matches are simply teams of four units, each of which all have chances to insta-kill in their spells?

I really love the art and theme for Stonesong Eyrie! (I’m a huge fan of harpies.)



…Do her boobs get bigger as part of her transformation sequence? :fearful: