(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

I think Nim mentioned that they changed Stonehammer to stun first and burn second.

Don-t remember on what thread though.


We already have Gard (in his Avatar form)… so he should I would expect more deity-themed arrivals… and I think devs hinted at this before…

Note we also have Morthani’s Will, but that’s a lower tier troop, so perhaps Morthani herself will make a suitably mythic appearance.

Edit: for some reason none of the posts after yours were displaying… so I didn’t see @yonizaf replay to the same question. Oh well…

Yeah forums has been a bit weird today. I’ve been getting notifications 30-50 minutes after they actually are posted.

Yeah I wouldn’t count Morthani’s Will as her, more just an extension of… well her will. Same with her Scythe. Part of me feels Gard and Gard’s Avatar is seperate, but you’re right, I’m not sure we’ll see Gard himself. (Though it could be argued his avatar is him… but yeah)

Nah, Gard’ll show up. He’ll be freaking enormous. The troop art will just look like this:


Bone Dragon would still one-shot him :smiley:

And make enough skulls to top the rankings next week


shouldnt it be “Cause Stun and Burn” now? i thought it was changed that way already

edit: found

maybe just his spell description didnt change

regardless to the name call my comment was actually on topic, concerning the rp character of that mythic card… :cry: (hide it in the end but not in time)

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You know, I completely missed that. That’s awesome.


I look forward to more Xathenos body parts making an appearance. Claw, heart, skull, spleen, elbow and so on…

Tho I for one won’t be touching the Testes Of Xathenos weapon, however powerful it is…


The Phallus of Xathenos. No memes please…

The Spleen of Xathenos!

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And if you collect all the pieces of Xathenos you can summon Exodia… I mean Xathanos



Or Horus. Originally the Horus myth there…

But at least we got Pharos. I like Pharos.

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Well Osiris/Horus, since Isis collected the parts of the dead Osiris (minus the phallus) to be able to conceive Horus.

Looks like we have some St. Patrick’s day related stuff happening… This was in the update to Steam earlier…


Was posted to FB and Twitter:



I am very impressed by how quickly you beat me to it.

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I got skillz…

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Does the st patrick day theme work on mobile??

Unfortunately only the Steam version has the gem change. Unfortunately the file is a core file so we can’t easily change it on mobile.