(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

So basically its

2 Terra Wyrm, 2 The Great Wyrm
2 Terra Wyrm, 1 The Great Wyrm, and 1 Horned Wyrm…

and absolutely don’t trait the 3rd trait on any of these 4 troops until after the faction is over.


Yeah I usually don’t bother leaving traits alone like that but I may have to in this case. Faction 500 with a huge amount of skulls on the board sounds like a truly terrible plan. I’m not entirely sure I mind the Nether Wyrm, making 12 skulls is a “sort of” safe bet.

More like bounty reuse…
With Journey Guide = Bounty Captain…

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I have bad PTSD with Tomb Robber (14 skulls)

That is true. And I am definitely not using that one on my City of Thieves lineup (though I am also not attempting that nonsense).

I feel like it might be a bit better than that one because we actually have a reasonably strong attack buffing troop with stoneskin. Miiiight.

I’m not sure that will work out well. The AI will get at least 2 skulls each turn in the PF500 boss fight, with The Great Wyrm probably located in the back well out of reach. If you don’t somehow manage to remove some of the skulls on your turn it’s going to be a slaughter, the board will eventually be saturated enough with skulls to blow up in your face.

Maybe 1x Terra Wyrm, 3x The Great Wyrm, fully traited. I really, really wish we could deactivate traits bought, it’s hard to tell which strategy will work out. Any chance to get The Great Wyrm set to refundable this weekend? :face_with_head_bandage:


Terra Wyrm exploding 3 gems is going to line up skulls for the enemy 90% of the time.

I might end up going with 4x The Great Wyrm (no 3rd trait).

Could have been worse…no skull reduction.

Kingdom Pass, Royal Kingdom Pass, Royal Kingdom Boost:

Unlock the Royal Kingdom Pass and earn extra rewards during this new Kingdom Pass.
Unlock the Royal Kingdom Boost and earn extra rewards during this new Kingdom Pass.



Oh, you want 10?



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Reading between the lines this probably means they’ll lock books and imperial deeds past upgrade level 16 behind a paywall, as another ongoing subscription in parallel to campaign passes.


But MAYBE, these will be buyable with gems? Which players CAN farm in reasonable quantities…
ofc, anything “extra” will involved either absurd # of gems or real cash…

Maybe it’s just a gem-based subscription to help newer players’ kingdoms catch up - one can hope!

Are we really playing the same game? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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It’s plausible.

PQ3, still in Early Access, is currently designed around two different passes running simultaneously. VIP status requires a monthly subscription pass to maintain (unlike GoW, VIP lifetime status/benefits are suspended if the subscription expires, placing the player in F2P mode until re-subscribed), and the Campaign passes there are shorter (8 weeks in PQ3 versus 10 weeks in GoW).

Progression in PQ3 is very much shackled without subscribing to one or both passes all the time.


If they want another subscription I’m done. Once these last 3 delves are finished I will have my sense of “completion” and can happily quit.


I think the strategy has to be to attempt to skull-bash your way through the opposition team as quickly as possible, casting the Terra Wyrm a couple of times to boost its’ attack so you can get through an opposition tank.

I don’t like the Horned Wyrm here because I think its’ damage potential is much smaller – that spell simply isn’t going to do enough damage to be useful as a surgical strike against a unit in the enemy rear that you’d like to target for early elimination. I believe I’d prefer to have a Nether Wyrm with the notion that I could mana deny a particular enemy unit and take my chances with the skull carnival.

One thing I fear is that it will end up being very difficult to fill my own troops during a mirror battle because the board will turn into a skull festival with all those 3rd traits activating. The strategy for winning that battle seems straightforward enough to me: take out their Terra Wyrm(s) before you lose your own and then bash your way through the remainder. Which could very easily require a sizable hoard, just to overcome the stat deficit you’ll otherwise face.

And avoid the Sunken Treasure treasure room at all costs, because “Bonestorm when an enemy dies” will only exacerbate issues with the enemy skyfalling you on top of everything else.

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TUTORIAL_DESCRIPTION_3349: This Gem will cause a random enemy to be inflicted with Cursed, dispelling all positive status effects and resetting and reducing the cumulative recovery chances of negative status effects.

There’s quite a few unreleased gems with tutorials in the files, up to 7 now. I wonder when we’ll see all of them :thinking:

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You won’t be the only one, I’m sure.

100% Supportive.




I’m not sure if I get what you’re disagreeing with, the team suggestion or that you shouldn’t trait any of those 3rd traits?

If you want to keep the 3rd traits AND use Terra Wyrm, 3x The Great Wyrm, you’re looking at 6 or sometimes 7 skulls created a turn, which is the exact opposite of removing skulls on your turn. You might get stuck grabbing skulls and trading hits to ever actually fill your troops to cast them. Since the AI has more stats than you, trading hits is a serious disadvantage.

It doesn’t help that this looks to be a 5 room delve. Count me out of wanting to make skull timebombs in the other 4 rooms.