(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)


Cool, that gives me more time to stockpile gems!

It’s always first Friday of a month.

I’ve never paid attention before. Never had the resources and/or will to target a Mythic troop. :slight_smile:

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In my experience having resources and the will is not enough :frowning:


I don’t have any Mythics either but mine is more a lack of ambition to this point than anything else. :wink:

Oh I have mythics. I have 3 draakulis. 2 more and I’ll start disenchanting him \o/

I have WAR. Talk about friggin useless…

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Now that I think about it, the song is right…

“War, huh, Good God ya’ll. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing, say it again!”

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I’ll trade 2 of my draaks for your war. Do we have a deal? :smiley:

I’d so do that deal in a squirrel’s heartbeat…

War is not the most effective but he is fun

With the teams I’m up against, he’s far less useless than any of the other Mythics.

What you need, @DonBoba, is a healthy dose of luck. You are right, resources and will are not enough, but add those with luck and you would have it made.

Personally, if I could bottle my luck, I would, and sell it. Ever since I started targeting mythics on their exclusive weeks, I’ve been able to procure each one. I’m only missing Plague and War.

Sorry man…:smile_cat:

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haha sorry to rub this in but we pulled plague from a legendary task.

so that’s 30 plagues in one go …

mind you it took about 30m gold though, so about 1m per plague + other assorted goodies.

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I saw :frowning:
But congrats :slight_smile:

I’d trade you 2 Wars for 1 Draak. Got 4 lousy Wars, 0 Famine, 0 Death, 0 Draak. :scream:

I had a streak where I was getting very few legendaries. I got like 5 or 6 out of hundreds of keys.

1 Carnex, ALL of the rest Gar-fricken-Nok! :rage:

It’s a deal!