(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Updated Myth Timeline (no further details):

    1. Sep Mist of Scales (with Skills)
    1. Oct Dragons Claw
    1. Nov Leonis Empire
    1. Dec Khetar
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Last one is likely a Campaign Exclusive, as it’s also in the 10th week of next Campaign, so it’s a reward for 1K stars just like Kurandara.

Monthly Mythic is probably a different one, which will be added later.

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I like spoilers, but I’m not sure if overly impressed with any of the ones revealed today:

  1. Tinkerbot troops have been downgraded from 10% to 15% chance to self-destruct. bleh.

Detect-o-bot lost a gem creation (8-> 7) and Smash-o-bot lost 2 damage

  1. Mist of Scales mythic:

Can we not have the half-damage gimmick here please? If we’re going to do half-damage to 6 enemies for 24 mana, I’d rather just use Lasher which does half damage to 6 enemies for 12 mana. Half-damage also makes Mambasira’s 3rd trait kinda pointless (2 turns for 1 magic worth of damage increase, yuck). History: Will of Nysha was buffed from half magic to 1 magic and is still not being considered powerful.

Also, what doesn’t make too much sense to me is that from Mist of Scales: Euryali, Marilith, Venoxia and Basilisk all do True Damage. The only notable troop from Mist of Scales that doesn’t do True Damage is Viper. Mambasira screams likes a true damage troop…

On top of that, we have the fact that TINA-9000 does Magic - Magic x 2 True Damage and gains Armor, when Mambasira just does damage… and only 1.25 magic (why is 1.25 a thing?)

Its 3 traits are also really poor.

What I’m trying to say is, this really needs a bump up to prevent being bottom tier material. (please). The 24 mana cost also does it no favors.

I hate the term dead content, but this is basically dead content. On top of that, this troop helps Mist of Scales reach Kingdom Power 20. KP 20 should not be remembered by a very bad troop.

Here’s what I’d like to see:

Twirling Blades
Deal (Magic) - [(Magic x 1.50) + 2] True damage to 6 random Enemies. Then inflict 2-4 stacks of Bleed to all Enemies.

Mana Color: Green, Purple, Brown
Mana Cost: 22

Trait #2: Spell Block Reduce damage from Spells by 50%
(if Champion of Anu has Aegis (60% skull reduc), Champion of Gaard has Aegis and Aegis (60% skull reduc and 50% spell block), and Will of Nysha has Spell Block, then… Mambasira should have something higher than 25%)

3: Kurandara: Spell Cost: 24 → Spell Cost: 26. I thought 24 was the sweet spot. 26… eh. We’ll find out in an hour how bad that change is. (world event)

4: Eldrazi Wand
Deal [Magic + 3] damage to an Enemy. If they are Cursed, create 8 Green Gems,. If they are Webbed, create 8 Purple gems.

+1 Attack, +4 Life, +1 Magic, +2 Attack, +1 Magic, Vital, Lightning, Enchanting, Elven

Green/Purple 14 mana

Has self-enchant… saves it from being a bad weapon. Could potentially do stuff.

  1. Keystone weapon lowered from magic x 2 to magic x 1.5. Also increased from 12 mana cost to 13 mana cost.

Gain a Barrier. Give [(Magic x 1.5) + 1] Life to an Ally. Then Cleanse and Enchant them.

Red 13 Mana

Can this change be undone? because Dawnstone almost does the same thing and is now almost purely better due to the changes…

Give an ally [Magic + 2] Life, and half their Mana. Cleanse, Barrier, and Enchant them. [2:1]

Red 12 Mana

I love any spoilers given, but tonight’ is not one of the better nights.


worth mentioning separately:

09/04/2020 Mist of Scales Kingdom Power 20 (with the new mythic)
09/16/2020 Leonis Empire Kingdom Power 19
09/28/2020 Zaejin Kingdom Power 20
10/12/2020 Mist of Scales Kingdom Power 21 (requires Kingdom level 13)
10/19/2020 Darkstone Kingdom Power 20
11/06/2020 Leonis Empire Kingdom Power 20


1.25 x magic?? Math. MATH!!! Gross.

… ergh.

Since the damage boost is applied before the gem conversion, I just don’t see the point of the 2 mana cost increase from 24 to 26. I waited (forever) for the boss to fill itself in the world event today just to see it do very minor damage (22 damage, reduced down to 17 damage since I was using Bard) and convert yellow to Doomskulls, but have no connecting hits.

Yeah, it can hit hard, but Doomskulls have a tendency to wipe themselves off the board after alignments, making it very tricky to use Kurandara to its best effect.

Did that 2 mana increase matter? oh yeah. The boss had 25/26 mana at one point lol.

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Just as I predicted! :partying_face:

Should be an easy 4-room quick path. Rating might be below 200 though, so not Tuesday-friendly.

Do we know if Tink’s spell only heal other 3 troop, or himself as well? Big different for trying to kill him in Boss room.


Salty ran through the delve twice (and the first room a 3rd time). She won too quickly to see what the Legendary’s spell would function like.

Dwarven Ingenuity : Give [Magic + 1] Armor and Life to all Allies, boosted by Red Gems. Summon 1-3 Tinker Town Bots. [1:1]

Everyone, unless changed upon release

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I hope there will be some difference for Eldrazhor from Hall of Guardians – in room distribution.

  1. Ishtara

Arcane: Storm & Plains
Base Rarity: Mythic
Troop Type: Divine, Dragon
Troop Role: Mage

Radiant Explosion
Deal [Magic + 3] damage to all Enemies. Create 8 Yellow Gems, boosted by Blessed Allies. [1:1]

Mana Color: Red, Yellow, Purple
Mana Cost: 24

Trait #1: Revered
All allies gain 2 random Skill points.

Trait #2: Holy Armor
Reduce damage from Skulls by 40%.

Trait #3: Divine Roar
Bless a random Ally when a matching Yellow Gem.

Ok, that’s a really good mythic. Its like Elemaugrim, though easier to maintain at the start (and worse if you’re losing). Even though Voice of Orpheus has a better cleanse, I think I like this troop way more.

Good candidate for elite medal upgrades.

  1. Smashedmouth
    Somebody once told me the world was going to roll me.

Arcane: Beast
Base Rarity: Legendary
Troop Type: Goblin, Giant
Troop Role: Warrior

Titanic Cleave
Deal [Magic + 6] to an Enemy and knock them to the back. Drain 7 Mana from all Enemies below them. Gain an extra turn.

Mana Color: Green, Red
Mana Cost: 16

Trait #1: Grudge
Gain 1 Attack when an enemy casts a spell.

Trait #2: Armored
Reduce damage from Skulls by 25%.

Trait #3: Broken Jaw
Bleed and Silence the first Enemy when I deal skull damage.

On one hand, Norbert’s Turnip makes Red for this legendary goblin. On the other hand, this troop is kinda eh?

Still, if a defense runs this troop and it hits the right target, it’ll be pretty hard to come back before Norbert/Gobtruffle goes loop crazy.

Put this in the maybe category.

Summary: Mambasira needs a dire buff. Ishtara looks amazing.


And will be nerfed because of this post.

(Eventually we will learn.:man_shrugging:)

tell that to King Gobtruffle and Life & Death


I will be happy to when you can show me where either one were mentioned on spoilers pointing out how good they were prior to release. :man_shrugging:

I’m not that excited for Ishtara… Just our regular old “Deal damage to all enemies” troop with Blessing on yellow matches…
Now, if it was Blessing and a chance of Enchant or Barrier…

Its the second half: Create 8 Yellow Gems, boosted by Blessed Allies. [1:1]

Its basically the old Elem + burn loop, only you don’t have to rely on the enemy to keep going.

Bless is a little harder to set up than Infernus burning everything, but there’s also enough yellow support to spam yellow gems if you need it to happen.

There should be some creativity around to make this troop work.

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Wait. What?

If they are in back, what enemies are below them?

It’ll drain before it’s moved. Or it’ll drain after it’s moved based on where it was when it cast.

You know better than to read GoW text as literal order of operations…or as a 100% indication of what the cast actually does.
Wargs don’t matter, only stick and stones matter.


All troops are Mongo.