(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

@Saltypatra @Cyrup
Will there be new stuff in the shops anytime soon? Perhaps more than One weapon each week? Weapons, daily diamonds and guild seals are the only things i spend money on in this game. Also, any update on if a button to “explore again” will be added in the future? It’d save my hands from certain arthritis in the future :smiley:

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I just checked the spoilers again and saw that we have two Legendaries and one Mythic upcoming who need Arcane Bloods, but absolutely no troop who might be in the Glory shop to supply us with those.
Mist of Scales is the worst explore region of them all, there is no alternative kingdom for getting them and I find it unlikely that Bright Forest or Shentang will become Arcane Blood suppliers, much as I would love them to. This is just miserable. I haven’t traited a single Red/Blue troop yet because I just cannot bring myself to go to MoS. Ugggh this sucks.


There is a Rare Glacial Peaks troop in the spoiler with Blood Arcane (Frost Archer).

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You think that might be in the shop? It’s rare (oof…) to have rare troops in the Glory shop - I think in all my time playing, there was only Bulette. There’s an epic in there as well, which would make much more sense.
But hey, I guess I should cling to hope. I’m not going into MoS for anyone, not even for a Mythic.

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Not so rare. Less than Common. :wink:
But yeah, usually Rare troops are available in the shop.

Troop colors or rarity can be changed and I don’t think we will get 2xLegendaries of the same color.
If I remember well, the Darkstone one was a Venom troop before and it was changed maybe by mistake.

Who knows aside devs.

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Cough, cough, Bard Class, Cough

So many players were ready to quit the game over one trait. Bard Class was the Y2K of GoW.

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Will “Ultra Mythics” be a 2018 thing or 2019 thing?

I’m guessing the plan is to have the Raid Bosses (Ultra Mythics) be 4 Mana colors. The players will be able to eventually get a much less powerful version of them, but not with keys. There will be a new currency created that can only be earned from Raids. That currency can be used to purchase Raid Bosses (Ultra Mythics) during quarterly event weeks.
Assuming that will be available this year. We will be able to ascend our current Mythics to Ultra Mythics next year.

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There are positives to previewing early, such as catching any bugs on last minute changes. Otherwise examples like these occur:

Flame Troll had the issue with traits being unlocked with the wrong (old) Arcane Traitstones.

Gargantaur had the issue with traits being unlocked with the wrong (old) Arcane Traitstones. The 3rd trait still displays incorrectly on Xbox One despite the effect working properly as intended.


Yeah, and you forget the most important one:
Wisp who was designed with Empowered and finally devs released him with Swift.


Let’s discuss the upcoming troops!


Cat Sith

Fey Cap



Prince Ethoras

Queen Titania

Summer Knight


Brownie. Destroy 7 random gems, create 7 purple gems. Snowy Owl is better than him in both generating purple and other colors. You can target an overpopulated color (13+ gems) to get an almost guaranteed 4+ match. Meh troop.

Cat Sith. Basically it either deals 20 damage to the last enemy (can proc armor reduction on unit with no armor though) OR decreases its attack by 20 (kinda useless) OR decreases its magic by 20 (which is excellent).
Lack of ability to target specific enemies makes him a very situational troop. You need to cast spell once, hope it neutralizes the main threat and never touch him after that. 4 mana steal is not that much, but might save the match in some situations

Fey Cap. Split damage and disease on a single enemy. No comments.

Glitterclaw. Now we’re talking! As I mentioned many times before, it’s a self-enchanting self-looping dragon that Faerie Fires all enemies. This is HUGE for any AoE team. Fireproof and Arcane traits make him even more powerful.

Pixie. Faerie Fire on an enemy and Extra Turn? Good if you have your sniper ready to cast. Or place FF on the biggest threat and cast AoE. Low mana cost and immunity to Mana Drain make her good against Psion.

Prince Ethoras. Something that can be annoying on defence and slow on offence. Won’t fit my playstyle.
EDIT: As for now, you will only find 1-2 Fey teams. But Bright Forest features several strong Fey troops, and we’ll most likely see 3-4 fey teams. x8 multiplier is not that much for veteran players, but for newer ones it’ll be huuuge.

Queen Titania. Big-big yes. FF a random enemy on 4+ matches, that trait alone makes her worth adding to your team. And AoE on top of that. Must have.

Summer Knight. Red troop with barrier against dwarves. FF on skull hits. 40% skull reduction. Sounds interesting.

Florian. Just like Nyx, counters Mythics with their big mana pools but generates green. Can’t wait to use her on Brown/Purple GW!


In my opinion, art style of this kingdom is meh… At best.

Troops, ill wait to use them.


They might as well nerf it now and spare the trouble later.

The same.

Wisp, reloaded. We needed it

IMHO this Kingdom signs the passage from power creeping to power jumping.
It’s all fun and games until we see those troops on defense…


I’m just disappointed that the Summer Knight’s flavor text isn’t, “But oh, oh, those Summer Knights”.


About VoO (Deal [Magic +6] damage to an enemy, boosted by all ally Mana. Cleanse all allies. Then give all other allies 5 Mana. [1x]):
He does too much things, but poorly: he cleanses (the trait is enough…), he does damage (not enough compared to other one-shooter), he gives mana (5… really, Elven Bard gives 2 + half mana).
So for me, he lacks a real role, so maybe remove the damage and add a “Enchant other allies”. Remove the Cleanse because his 3rd trait is enough to Cleanse. And remove the “5 Mana” for “Half Mana”.
So in resume: Give all other allies half their Mana. Enchant them.

… Maybe not powerful enough so take back the damage: Deal [Magic +6] damage to an enemy, boosted by all ally Mana. Then give all other allies hlaf their Mana. Enchant them. [1x]

Else, at least he should give mana first and then does damage to have this potential 15 more damage: Cleanse all allies. Give all other allies 5 Mana. Then deal [Magic +6] damage to an enemy, boosted by all ally Mana. [1x]


Oh well, oh well, oh well, oh well …

Tell me more… Tell me more…


That could be Orpheus’s!

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A few small changes on the spoilers page. Screenshot below or check out the history file on the site.

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Man, am I glad that ArcaneKnight, IceWraith and Willow might be released in January 2030 instead of December 2030 now! The waiting time would have otherwise been so long!:crazy_face:

Nah, given how today’s the holiday in Australia and no one will be in the office before Monday anymore, it makes sense that the 29th is now posted as the fixed release date. Let’s hope that everything goes alright with that - I’m gonna miss it because I won’t be around on Monday, but after the last weeks, I expect bugs. :stuck_out_tongue:


Why have two places in the data that say “release date”?

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