necromancy changes the cap before you start the game - thus you can see the starting cap changed from 40 to whatever, but armor/difficultty/vip still applies only after battle, thats what i think happens
There seems to be a display bug with Necromancy. The souls counter does account for the +50% souls gained until the troop is killed, but it does not subtract out those extra souls displayed when the troop is killed. Necromancy actually gives the extra souls at the end of battle, so if you gain souls before the troop dies, the display is inaccurate.
The cap is still raised from 40 to 60, and souls do accumulate up to that cap, but the display can show as 60/60 when you reach 40 souls gained.
Also, Alt + Print Screen will screen shot only the active window.
If a troop with necromancy dies you won’t get its bonus since there are no more a troop to give it. 60/60 counter shows you what you get (* the multiple from armor, guild bonus and vip level). But if your necromancy troop dies you won’t be getting those extra % of souls. The issue here is in graphic part and that the counter isn’t changed. when your necro troop dies your counter would go from 60 to 40 where it would be without necromancy. But it doesn’t get shown.