Soulforge Troops

Either of the “after it’s in normal chests” options make the most sense. While I’d like the troops to show up earlier, it is sensible to think that if we’re in an “exclusive” period it wouldn’t pop up in Soulforge. But if I’m wrong, it’s a pleasant surprise!

Agreed, though I think Skadi is the case that rules out the possibility that they are added to the pool after the 4 week period is over.

If they are using some kind of 3rd party ‘sampling without replacement’ tool to manage the process, it would make sense that they set the list at the beginning and don’t tamper with it until each cycle is done.

I don’t know why, but this exchange reminds me of how I used to mail Canadian $10 bills to Jick at the Assymetric offices in exchange for Mr. Eh’s. I’m pretty sure he would have spent the money on beer. Creating an in-game accessory whose power fluctuated based on the US/CAD exchange rate was one of the kookiest things I can imagine, but leave it to those guys…

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I’m down for free coffees. That stuff is expensive.

Actually, this a great way to motivate people… though it kinda borders on the Hunger Games style winning viewers over for money :thinking: Anyway, Soulforge! Yes!

That game is a great lesson in transactions and a big part of what made me establish a $10/month spending budget for F2P games. The only reasons I quit Kingdom of Loathing are related:

  • I made my first sub-1000 turn hardcore oxy run (927 turns! I was averaging about 1,050.)
  • It was taking me more than 2 hours daily to play WITH Mafia.

I miss that game so much.

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Nothing substantial to add to this thread, but had to comment on Kingdom of Loathing references :smiley: Going on ten years.

But to add to thread: um, more sources of diamonds, please? :laughing: I’m not bitter about Xathenos my first Soulforged troop (no more Soulforge-based Steam achievements plz), but yeah.

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So, this week was Doomclaw, Gargantaur, Ketras and Queen Aurora. That fits with my prediction, leaving Gard’s Avatar, Infernus, Jotnar and Wulfgarok for next week.

If I’m correct there, then a new rotation will start May 7 with Undine added to the pool.

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Undine… pool… water…

Seriously though, I hope so, I need him lol.

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I can’t see any reason he wouldn’t be included since the draw will start a full 4 weeks after he was introduced. It could still take up to June 18 for him to appear in the Forge, though. Especially if he is lurking at the bottom of the pool…

Now you are your just fishing for likes.


I am now certain that I have the Soulforge Mythic rotation down. Any mythic besides Xathenos, Zuul’Goth, the one being released on Friday and the four in the forge this week could appear next week. Every available mythic will appear once between next week and June 18 (technically, 3 will appear a second time the week of June 18 since that week will see the last mythic in rotation appear, plus 3 to start the next rotation).

I’ll continue to track the rotation and people can feel free to ask me if they want to know the possible range of times that a particular mythic will appear.


That’s really cool. Would it be possible to post a weekly list of mythics with their potential next availability dates? Asking a lot, but it would be a really nice service for the community.

Perhaps you could share the rotation with @Taransworld to have it added to that site?

Thanks for considering!


Let me see how many likes you get on that post first… :wink:

@Stan Thank you so much for figuring this out.

Here’s my conundrum, given how accurate your predictions have been, I’d like to know when is the earliest/possible date range Infernus would be next available in the forge? I FINALLY have the 4000 diamonds again after forging Pharos-Ra a while back, and originally joined this game to get 100% completion by finishing Xathenos. I have everything I need for him, and then, of course, Infernus appears. I’ll need to have Infernus for when my guild reaches bracket 3 of GW, we’re climbing slowly from 18 right now, but 3 brackets/cycle = 18 weeks.

I’d like to get Xathenos (despite his uselesness overall) so I can finally have 100% completion on achievements, but don’t want to risk not having Infernus (I hate meta teams, but let’s be honest, he’s just too necessary in GW and PVP right now) in 18 weeks’ time.

Any thoughts/forecast? (Obviously all subject to change given the introduction of 3.4 and possible changes in soulforge…

With Infernus appearing this week, in the final week of the current rotation, he can not appear next week (May 7), but is equally likely to appear in any of the following 6 weeks (ending June 18). He’ll appear again sometime in the 6-7 weeks following that.

What is your diamond collecting rate? For me, with a guild that finishes all regular tasks, doing dungeons daily and purchasing both packs on Sundays, it takes me about 6 weeks to collect 4000 diamonds (I haven’t updated my calculations to include diamonds won in raids, bounties, invasions or thought about the random diamonds I occasionally get from gnomes, so it will definitely be less than 6 weeks, but I’m not sure how less).

Anyway, I’d say, if you have the diamonds now and just want to get Infernus, get him. You won’t be 100% complete without him and Xathenos is always in the forge. Plus, Infernus is far more useful, even before you’re in bracket 3.

I’m in exact same boat on diamond collection rate - haven’t figured out yet how it’s increased by the ones we’re winning from gnomes, bounties and invasions. But exact same 6-week rate as you.

I’m going to wait for Level 6 guild chest opening this week before buying in forge, I literally was praying Infernus WOULDN’T be in forge this week so I wouldn’t have the stupid dilemma of not (finally) forging xathenos and just being DONE with the achievement that will never go away. LOL.

Thanks for your quick reply. Now watch Infernus get nerfed in 3.4 :stuck_out_tongue: :exploding_head:

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Do you mean that you’re just going to open all your guild chests when you get to level 6 in the hopes that you’ll happen to land Infernus? If so, that is one serious long-shot! If I were you, I’d save my seals and go for the new mythic on Friday to better your chances of not losing ground on your complete collection.

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You’re better off crafting Infernus due to availability. Xathenos will be around every week.

There’s no Broken Spire event any time soon. There’s a very long shot that you can pull it next week from the Invasion shop, but that’s just something you shouldn’t rely on.

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SIgh. The 98% complete stays on my XBox home screen for another few weeks (and has been there since I started the game-LOL).

Thank you all for reinforcing the voice of reason and what I knew was the correct decision, but the achievement-minded completionist in me wanted to ignore. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t blame ya. I ended up spending money on Sundays to get Xathenos over with quicker to move on with my life