Small ideas with huge consequences

Confusion: attacks and/or spells hit a random target, possibly on the other team than intended.

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This thread is actually the best thread on the forum right now. That is all.


Every spell gives an extra turn mode.

But honestly:
Equipment/rune system to add multiple additional trait or weapon affix like abilities to troops.

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5th troop is a bad idea - this would eliminate the ‘hard choices’ that face a lot of teams.

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It would, however, introduce a whole new set of teams that would be invincible if we could just squeeze that one troop in there.

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That’s the other problem :slight_smile:

How about an extremely long gauntlet where you bring exactly 1 copy of every troop that you own and as one dies the next moves up!


Horde/Zombie Mode: face a never-ending onslaught of an enemy (or mix of enemies — maybe from specific kingdom pools if this was attached to them rather than in the “games” tab). Buffs to life are disabled — rewards are given based on kill-count before eventual, inevitable, death (and would have to be quite large, given the time sink such a mode might be).

Big/Giant gems: mana gems that take 4 (or even 9) board slots, award that much mana when matched, but that only count as a single gem for matching purposes.


A few weeks ago I was thinking about what having a front row and back row assignment would be like. With magic-heavy or weaker troops being set to the back row, and more resilient and attack-heavy troops being able to be set to a front row.

In this configuration, back row troops would either take a reduced amount of skull damage or none, and if dealing skull damage, it would be reduced or cannot deal skull damage if assigned.

if a front-row troop dies, the attack damage is dealt fully by the next front-row troop, rather than the next in line.

I was only considering it in the context of a 4-troop team, but if 5 troops were a thing I think it would be a more fun application of 2-row. In my imaginings, any troop could be set to front or back row, but perhaps requiring either a 2-3 or 3-2 configuraion would lead to some interesting gameplay.

Three-dimensional gem array (8x8x8). No, it wouldn’t be difficult to play, shut up.

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Difficult to display on a mobile screen…

Play for keeps. Troops that die in guild wars are removed from the player’s deck.

A trait/(global) spell effect/buff/debuff that prevents summoning (for X turns).

No one would risk their best cards on that proposition — too brutal (but fun if they were only removed for the duration of Wars, then given back after) :laughing:


Better method. Troops can only be used ONCE on defense and ONCE on offense, across the guild, for GW.

Public read-only API to access game’s, player’s, event’s and guild’s data. It may even restrict usage and temporary block those who do not use caching. API will help developers to enrich the game with various supportive tools, funny & silly local competitions, more intellectual knowledge bases, etc.

Game data (info&pictures):

  • kingdoms
  • factions & their delves
  • troops
  • weapons
  • classes
  • pets

Player’s Data (by invite code):

  • basic info: avatar picture, level, name
  • kingdoms (levels & power)
  • troops (at least existence)
  • weapons (at least existence)
  • classes (level, traits, mastery level)
  • pets (at least existence & rarity level)
  • underworld (renown scores in detail)
    available resources, VIP level, armour, teams, etc. are hidden.

Guild Data (by login/password, invite codes access is probably resticted based on players’ rank)

  • basic info: name, shield, statues
  • players list with invite codes and current gold/seals/trophies (Roster)
  • list of current week’s guild events

Event Data (login/password and event id)

  • intro: name, lore, whatever else
  • rewards stages: list of ‘how many points for reward’
  • results for all guildmates
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Put @Taransworld in charge of QA

:crossed_fingers: :vulcan_salute:

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I wish and too bad he is leaving the game.

The ability to extract a trait from any troop and be able to set that ability globally so your teams can benefit from it.

Is a month later too late to have an idea? Or two?

  1. Per-board-manipulation trait-triggers. “Convert 1 gem on the board into a [skull, blue gem, etc…]every time a gem match is made,” Or steal one life from all enemies whenever they make a match. Basically, make players think twice about maintaining their boards and/or creating cascades as they are currently incentivized to do.

  2. Random gem conversions, ideally as part of a mythic’s spell with an extra turn built in. “Rainbow’s Grace : change every gem type into a random gem type, then gain an extra turn.”

I could imagine fun scenarios: entire boards become skulls, or doomskulls, half the colors roll into blue and suddenly it’s a flood, or every color repicks itself and nothing happens at all — incredibly unlikely, but hey! RNG is RNG, and that’s what the extra turn is for :wink:

I also think this could be a fun storm type. Chaos Storm: 10% chance to convert a random color into another.

But I can’t see myself actually wanting the randomness by choice as a storm :joy:

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