Server Access Instabilities

Platform, device version and operating system:
Steam, iPad and forums

Screenshot or image:

This has been coming up a lot this evening, at all stages of accessing the game. (approx. since 11:30pm AEDT – maybe earlier – and ongoing)

Requests to the forums are also timing out sporadically.

Are your web services under attack or otherwise failing?

ETA for restoration of normal service?

chances are, this is your own ISP. DNS is not served by IP2.
Timeouts on the other hand, can be IP2, but it needs some more investigation to properly know.

Cheers, Gary.

//edit: Forums are served by a third party (Discourse), too. Highly unlikely that all three vendors fail at the same time.

Thanks, Gary.

I’ll keep that in mind.

It wasn’t affecting other connections, that I could see. But next time, I’ll know to test that explicitly.

The thing is that usually the “web” has endpoints that are close to your location. IP2 doesn’t do that, their servers are not spread around the world, but rather sitting in Virginia, US. So if your provider has issues cross-connecting to other continents / providers, you’re the only one suffering.

Cheers, Gary.