I’m having really long load times to start the game (both through steam and on my android phone).
I can’t start PVP matches on my phone (it keeps telling me to retry connecting to the server because the connection is lost), and on steam I can start and win PVP matches but then the game stalls on the victory screen with the retry connecting to the server message because the connection is lost. In both cases all I can do is close the application (and take the loss) because it stays on the same screen indefinately.
Both devices are connected to my home wifi, which is working just fine (my kids are watching netflix on the TV right now)…
We actually purchased a bunch of extra server capacity today, so we’re currently running at less than 50% of server resources, so it’s not the servers being overloaded.
It works sometimes. But it’s still really hard to play right now. Everything takes ages and sometimes doesn’t work =( It’s Monday, I need my GoW fix =p